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RE: Snaps Container // 1736359200

in Snaps2 months ago

News is what it looks like ... the collection of what is new ... the "news" of the world for the reader. It is just current information. Some people will read it to pass the time, others to know what is going on, and others to act on it. Crypto news is no different.


I think information should be useful. The most valuable information is that which can bring benefits in the long term. Information for the sake of information or entertainment—isn't that a path to overloading your operational memory?!

Not necessarily. Presume control of one's intake, and one does not have to overload. Every path does not need to be walked, or walked to the end, presuming self-control.

I analyze myself—several years ago, I consumed news in enormous quantities. I thought it was beneficial and that I understood something. In practice, it didn’t give me anything positive, and I realized I actually understood nothing. A paradox.

Well, everyone who reads the news believes they are taking action, that they have the awareness needed to make decisions. Isn't that the point of the news?

Literally, news is the word of the new -- that's the origin and point of it. Humans love a story -- we love to tell them, and we love to hear them. Sometimes we want to hear a story about what other humans are doing, and that's the point of the news.

I wasn’t asking about the meaning of the word or its etymology. I asked what’s the point of reading the news for the average consumer, and, more importantly, what’s its benefit? From what’s been written, it can be concluded that mostly, it's entertainment, a form of leisure.

When you ask about the point of a thing, you open the door to learn what it is, where it came from, and et cetera. The point of an arrow is different than that of a pencil because of what each truly is ... so, the origin and point of news is storytelling, as it has always been.

My fault, I couldn’t phrase the question correctly. The question wasn’t about the meaning of the thing, but about the meaning of the action.