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RE: Snaps Container // 1738095120

in Snapslast month

The power of our mind is enormous. If you think negatively, you will only attract negativity. I think exactly like you, I agree!
Personally, I started with people, stopping looking for those who only brought me negativity... It may seem selfish but I feel much better now 😊


It's exactly that, letting go of the negative and focusing on the good. I used a bad expression there at the end but I'll change it. I had a tense day in the meta threads, so I let myself get carried away by the negative emotion, I'm not like that.

Keep up the good work! 😊
The famos poet Dante Alighieri said "Non ragioniam di lor, ma guarda e passa", which means "Let us not speak of them, but look and pass by"

Thank you for these words, they are motivating! Positivity is everything we should have in the first place, it's like the first step, if we already think negative, we've already lost to ourselves, I always tell myself that.