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RE: Snaps Container // 1734536880

in Snaps3 months ago

This is Mango, my daughter’s kitty. She is so full of life.
I slept like this today after working 12 days straight. I need to be back to work on Friday but I can do it! 😭

#cats #photography



So cute 🥰

Only when she is asleep 😂

Oh hihi. She tends to be playful 😈 when awake?

Yes, she definitely looks very relaxed, in that way cats are so good at! Hope you get some good rest before going back!

Thank you!
I didn't realize that I was this tired. I slept until afternoon 😅

Ahhhh what a cutie, I love kittens and this one is so cute! 😻

She looks so innocent when she sleeps… she is usually very busy and naughty!😂

I can imagine haha they're good at sleeping in places.😍

Mango looks tricky. 😂

We really got tricked.
She was so quiet and nice when we adopted her, all the way home, 3 hours on the ferry and the car ride…