This update with the snaps is sensational, I couldn't stop coming in and looking here today, I interacted with many people I didn't even know and the balance was super positive
The same thing happened to me, I went in and I saw a lot of people I've never seen before lol, that's how global Hive is. But I haven't been able to interact with them. as it's a pretty busy day for me.
This update with the snaps is sensational, I couldn't stop coming in and looking here today, I interacted with many people I didn't even know and the balance was super positive
The same thing happened to me, I went in and I saw a lot of people I've never seen before lol, that's how global Hive is. But I haven't been able to interact with them. as it's a pretty busy day for me.
I understand, some days are a rush for me too and I can't do anything, but well, the snaps are here, at any time we can interact and enjoy them
Yo no me había acostumbrado pero ahora viéndolo desde otra perspectiva, no está nada mal. Muy buen trabajo han hecho.
No sé si 280 caracteres sean suficientes para mi, pero uno se entera de cosas divertidas por aquí x'D
Para ti nooo jajajaja
Para ti nooo jajajaja