AI overreacted a bit with the size of the hail, but this is a bit how I looked this morning when cycling to work when it started hailing.
And now I'm at the office, the sun is shining again 😠
AI overreacted a bit with the size of the hail, but this is a bit how I looked this morning when cycling to work when it started hailing.
And now I'm at the office, the sun is shining again 😠
Looks like the clouds really did come down to earth!
It wasn't that bad, but the hail did hurt in my face 😃
Ouch!! That’s not pleasant.
Even though it was small, it's a good thing that no hailstones didn't hurt you who were on your bike.
One time I was finishing closing the house gate so I could leave and I was scared when the rain increased and a stone the size of a golf ball started to fall to the ground.
Auch. Younwere quite lucky then. I've never had them that size.
Yep, you're right.
Just out of curiosity 😂 and some humor, I mean you're a cyclist, why not apply for that funding to introduce cyclist to hive, I am sure you can replace your pedal every once a week haha
Haha. I've read some cyclist have really high maintenance costs indeed 😂
I already have difficulties enough to keep my Cycling Community active, so some new cyclist would be nice.
Crazy weather, haha!