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RE: Snaps Container // 1742428800

in Snaps2 days ago

Another day, another question... #qotd

What are your hobbies?

Mine are photography, cycling and gardening (you could know this by checking my post history 😃)



Running and drumming are the main ones, but I like reading too.

That is an amazing photo as winter gives way to spring ... still bare trees, grass blooms still gold, water reflecting ... just lovely!

I have so many hobbies but lately, gaming hehe. Nowadays, I want to start cycling again,I have this mountain bike but I still need to repair it 😄

I stopped gaming since I quite easily get addicted to games 😂
Go and repair your bicycle so you can go for rides again!

i just told someone today that one of my hobbies is actually blogging on hive haha. i have been putting a decent amount of time into writing blog posts this last month

Isn't that the hobby of all of us?

it is but when you spend a good 5-6 hours every single day making posts you really start to notice it. its just cuz im traveling and have a lot of stuff to blog about right now

Movies. ❤️