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RE: Snaps Container // 1742215680

in Snapsyesterday

Yesterday I celebrated Sky's 2nd birthday. 2 Years full of joy and a more peaceful state of mind. I feel blessed to have him in my life and obviously, he got a cake! 🍰

#cats #hivepets #catmom




Sky looks happy.

He really acts like a happy kiddo most of the time. And I am a proud mommy. lol

Good work, haha!

Happy birthday Sky! If only we knew our cats birthday!

Thank you! Yeah, we adopted him at the end of April and the Vet said he should have around one month and a bit so we decided to celebrate him on 17th March since 17 also has a special meaning for us. Maybe we should have celebrated him on the day of adoption hmmm

That’s lovely 😻

Is amazing how animals are celebrated out there. People hardly see the need to celebrate animals in such a manner in this part of the world. Happy birthday to Sky!

I mean, I didn't hear of lots of people celebrating them on this part of the globe either, but he plays such an important role in my life that it's hard not to celebrate him. I'm actually searching on a good present for him right now haha

I can imagine how much you love him 😊

No words to describe the feeling :)