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RE: Snaps Container // 1735889040

in Snaps2 months ago

I think 2025 is going to be the year of the #coddiwomple. @shanibeer and I have been saying for months/years? "We should get together", without acting. So rather than waiting for when we can physically make that happen, on impulse, we arranged to video whatsapp tomorrow. 💪

2025 Coddiwomple.png


Thank you -- I have been adding this to my life in 2024, but now we have a word for it!

You're welcome. It's a great word isn't it?

How much coddiwompling did you manage in 2024 and are you planning to continue in 2025?

I coddiwompled explorations of working my local parks and hills, constantly seeking paths I didn't take the day or the week before ... and that opened me up to so many life possibilities I would never have thought possible!

Yes, I am continuing -- coddlywompler for life!


Sounds like you're a pro at it now. I tend to dip in and out of it, getting really enthusiastic about it for a while and then forgetting. 😂

What I have found helpful ... coddiwomple something small every day, and then build up. Routine and regimentation for responsible people is real ... but so too are little opportunities to coddiwomple.

Yeah. I think that's gong to be the experiment for me this year - How much can I coddiwomple without routine and regimentation? Not that there's much of the latter in my life anyway. Although it's more about the energy behind it I think.

Let's make it happen!

Does coddiwompling appeal to you or do you prefer goals and structure?

Maybe 50% to 50%, I guess.