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RE: Snaps Container // 1735889040

in Snaps3 months ago

Saving/storage of images and a button to SNAP the images right after creating sure would be nice wouldn't it? Even cooler if it added the prompt as well? ;) #ai-images


Guess that would work, dunno if the simplicity takes over then the magic is in fantasizing what the prompt would've been if not mentioned.

On the other hand prompts could work as an intensive to start your brain to fantasize.
So im not pro or anti but we should take these things in consideration.

it would increase the amount of storage for peakd to pay even higher? just to share people entering prompts and post?

this is how i see the math for backblaze
Of course over 10 years the price does end up going up.
It would make sense to make sure price of image generation takes it into account based on how big the model files are for each model


Yea - and i think PeakD already have a kinda Compression into the Uploads implemented ^.^

yes you can spend processing power to compress or resize images (make them smaller or compress) and it can obviously cost less on storage but there is a price to do the actions themselves. Not sure what those cost by comparison