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RE: Snaps Container // 1739311200

in Snapslast month

that feeling, like... if you fall, no one's there That worry, it's... real. But maybe it's also a chance. You realize, being strong on your own, it's... good. You learn to handle things and be self sufficient. Prioritize yourself like self love until you become whole again


hugot? kidding yeah I agree with being able to stand on your own like self sufficient as you have said. No one will come around I often read that , sad as it may sound but that is part of reality. Think about it then prepare for the better.

Wow, that's deep. It's tough, but empowering in its own way. Self-reliance can really transform you, making you whole from the inside out.

That feeling hits deep. But turning it into strength? That is powerful

is this really you Kia? kidding aside it is tough, but maybe that’s the lesson you learn to stand alone, not because you have to, but because you can.

adult na ang peg? I feel this so much too you know. Being alone can be scary, but it can also be freeing. wag ka matakot

Well said. 👏

ansabe Kia?