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RE: Snaps Container // 1740669120

in Snaps • 2 days ago

I didn't even know this was even downloading in the background. I've been using unlimited internet and damn 44% has been the most progress since like 2 months ago 🤣 well gonna leave my laptop on overnight



Wait... has it taken 2 months so far to download something?? 🤯

Mostly because whenever I attempted to download it, something happened in the middle and it got reset to 0% and I kept having to start all over again. Usually they stopped at like 20% but today a miracle happened 😂

This game is huge! You better leave it overnight 😂 Same happened to me while downloading MK11

hahaha yeah and what's crazy is that that is just an update! I want to play it but the update was killing me 😂

Just an update? I thought it's whole game 😂

No, this was just an update hahaha