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RE: Snaps Container // 1742428800

in Snaps2 days ago

Snaps are great because I’m finding it harder at the moment to write full length posts. Today is an important one as I see my doctor regarding my kidney health. Last time wasn’t great at all. I’m nervous but strangely not a worried as I thought I might be.


Here's hoping and praying that you get good news or find the way to that good news!

Thanks and I’m sure it will be ok, yesterday I was feeling nonchalant but now I’m a little nervous. Will be interesting to see what my blood pressure looks like when they take it. To be honest it’s been very very good for nearly a year now compared to how it used to be, so I take that for a small win.

Small wins count! It is like Hive -- those small wins add up!

Something that helps me get accurate BP readings ... ask them to take the BP again if it is a little high the first time ... five minutes sitting still can make a big difference.

That’s very true indeed and sometimes when arriving at the hospital, car parking is a nightmare, and them it’s a mad dash to the outpatient waiting room. Then there is the white coat syndrome!

I hope it is all good for you. We have to be glad to live in a time where medicine is so advanced. The British NHS is a wonderful thing despite its faults.

All good by the way. Will write a post.

Good luck and praying for you. I hope there will be more good news!