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RE: Snaps Container // 1732210560

in Snaps4 months ago (edited)

@cryptomancer is dropping some info over on the #splinterland townhall today about 1.75 LAND UPDATES that he's working on.

I have a bunch of thoughts and screenshots in the comments



New worksites will likely look like this.


Here's a deed view


The inside of a logging camp worksite


  • Be able to go from grain to wood (behind the scenes it will go from grain to dec and then dec to wood) but for user it will look like one transaction and the swap fees will be handled accordingly as well

In the future you will need to provide grain, wood, stone to get SPS. They do not know the mixture that will be needed.

same with research ... you'll need some other resources. But it hasn't been indicated what mixture you'll need for research and sps.

here's what the market will look like for these swaps


@cryptomancer has indicated that a bit over half the work for 1.75 phase 1 is done and release of this phase is a q1 thing and phase 2 of this is later than that.

He also has supplied some eye candy like this



harvest all screen may look like this


Phase 2 work may simplify this process because future phases of work on land will bring in even more resources to harvest.

the top of your land account is gonna have a lot going on


This is very interesting, I think I'll check out my land.

Wow! great news!