From what I understand from your graph, the activity would be from different accounts? So this way it's very close to leothreads. This means that if we have 10 people, leo has 15, but those 15 make a lot of posts and our 10 make a little less. That's interesting.
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I mean's not really a competition on who has more posts/accounts. On Hive everyone is entitled to use the platform they prefer.
But I've seen the chart based on total number of posts and thought it could have been better to look at the number of unique accounts.
1/🧵Yes, you're right, it's not a competition, we have to be happy that we have 4 microblogging options, that's wonderful. As for indicating what each person's real activity is, I prefer this view of single accounts, I think it's truer too.
2/🧵For example, the metric to say which is more active or how many are actually using it, should be by unique users, this shows that really many people are using X thing, so it's really cool to see this graph, it shows that the adoption of snaps is real!