What some people do to get followers on the web2 is sometimes frightening. Especially how they expose their bodies to do it.
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What some people do to get followers on the web2 is sometimes frightening. Especially how they expose their bodies to do it.
Hoje em dia estar muito fácil mesmo...
Essa tendência irá perdurar até a IA tomar esse posto hahaha...
No futuro vai ter gente que nem irá se importar se estar vendo uma coisa real ou não.
Pois é mano, as vezes vou dar um giro ali no Instagram, eu ate assusto, as mulher é praticamente pelada, dançando, fazendo uns trem meio obsceno e tal, tipo tudo com conotação sexual, parece que sem isso não conseguem nada mais.
Aí alguém não pode falar nada pq palavras onfendem kkkk... E assim a conta é suspensa... bloqueada e tal...
Nas muié não acontecem isso.
So what you're saying is that I need to show a little more skin?
It's not that, it's that on the web2 networks they force you to show only your body, only sexualization and I don't think that's the best thing to do... just a personal opinion.
Not just W2. Take a hard look around Hive. Will make you shake you head and lolol.
Yes, I believe that this can happen on any social network, but it's so strange, it's so forced that it's weird. Some things are so vulgar that I honestly wonder why.
And the prize goes to....(drum roll please). But honestly, scroll down through that post and take your pick. There's so many to choose from:
This is the kind of thing that makes me angry, if the post, photo whether on web3 or 2 is to show your face makeup, why the hell is there a huge pair of breasts showing in the photo? This shouldn't be the focus kkkkk
Sad, sad all around. And a shame. Others don't have to disrespect you sometimes. You do it to yourself. Then cry foul. It pisses me off to see this because it's totally unnecessary and useless for its intended purposes [continued]
No matter what your beliefs are, or how "free spirited" or confident in your own skin, that exposure is totally unacceptable for this platform or any other for that matter.
Thanks for listening to my rant.
I'm glad you got it off your chest, I think we should be true to our feelings and you did that and I thought it was great! Expressing what we feel is good, I was afraid to make this post talking about web2, but I had the courage to do it and I'm glad you interacted with it.
Thanks so much for sharing it. Never be afraid to express your feelings. You never know whom your words may touch. Take care.
I have two breasts of my own. I don't need or have a desire to look at others. Does me no damn good. I'm highly embarrassed for the young lady because it represents women in a unsavory light. [continued]
Pois é né, eu tive que vir pra web3 pq to um pouco fora do shape... Mas vou te falar que pela lógica ainda bem q o pessoal aqui se restringe então, senão iria ficar ainda mais tenebroso o bagulho.
E ae mano tudo bem? Você é o broder que falou comigo nas threads da meta? Eu nao lembro muito de você me desculpe. Se já está aqui há algum tempo seja bem vindo, bora colar com nós ai na comunidade.
Td tranquilo? Sou eu não kkk eu já fui no discord da hive BR por conta de spl, e o spl BR em telegram, só não tenho mt mais tempo... Mas acho os blogs e snaps legais... Além de outros jogos nfts na hive... Estrutura da Blockchain e etc...
Ahh sim, tranquilo então mano, eu realmente não lembrava muito kkkk, mas aparece mais ai, os snaps é de boa, micro blog, conteudo rapido, de boa de participar. Se der aparece mais la no discord da hivebr tmb. Abraço.
Most of them are pathetic.
I totally agree... well I like ideas, cool things being shown that aren't just about showing your body in weird and daring situations... at least that's my taste
Yeah. The problem is how people use the tools to get famous.
Hey wiseagent, I reminded we were talking on this thread some days ago, but then I reminded we doing just the opposite right next in the snaps, such an irony, heh?! Lol
Shiftrox also among us liking the beautiful girl snaps. We brazilians have no shame lol.
It's not about not being ashamed, it's about knowing how to use a platform to grow by bringing something relevant and meaningful.