So a few spikes, but nothing that seems to have long-term impact. This might be an opportunity to compare week over week posting activity from the last two years in order to get a more complete idea of effectiveness.
Given the data that fell out years ago when I was data diving into the database, I can believe that. It might be kind of interesting to compare the account fingerprints of the most active comment posters during those spikes and see if there are any detectable similarities.
Build a better mousetrap and they will come, paying for onboarding is actually counterproductive because it would only bring in temporary users prematurely lol.
not that impressive
So a few spikes, but nothing that seems to have long-term impact. This might be an opportunity to compare week over week posting activity from the last two years in order to get a more complete idea of effectiveness.
Absolutely no spikes in posts, just comments, which are likely the large flood of AI comments being done.
Given the data that fell out years ago when I was data diving into the database, I can believe that. It might be kind of interesting to compare the account fingerprints of the most active comment posters during those spikes and see if there are any detectable similarities.
Build a better mousetrap and they will come, paying for onboarding is actually counterproductive because it would only bring in temporary users prematurely lol.