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RE: Snaps Container // 1735171920

in Snaps2 months ago

HOLOZING CONTEST - Phase 05: The Plot Twist.

FINALS. Congrats!@michula, @shiftrox and @coyotelation are in the

We are one step away from the grand finale, but first... It's time to bring back ONE of the EIGHT COMPETITORS who were eliminated in the previous stages.

  • This time, voting will last 24 hours.

  • In the final, there will be FOUR COMPETITORS. TWO DUOS will be formed, and the competitors will face each other.

  • After the FINAL CHALLENGES (02 PARTS), there will be a WINNER on EACH SIDE.

Let's go! Revival!

It's about time!

Considering i was the first to go i should be the first to gain redemption :)


You can be the winner of this battle.

Uma competição incrível, fico feliz de ter chegado na final, obrigado a todos que me apoiaram!

Obrigado pela oportunidade e muito obrigado ao pessoal que me colocaram na final.

Só pode votar em uma pessoa.


Se fosse mais de uma pessoa, a final não seria tão legal, haha!

Let´s go @tfranzini!

Por enquanto, tá vencendo.