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RE: Snaps Container // 1738924560

in Snapslast month (edited)

SNAPS is one of the best @peakd projects and deserved more recognition.



Man spitting facts haha 🤌🏼😂

The potential of this roject is incredible. So far it has been an underrated idea.

Quite true, it’s a pretty neat way for people to put up short form content.

I couldn't agree more. People must to understand this ASAP!

Eu to no achismo, mas ta parecendo que o snaps está perdendo força... ao que parece o waves e threads está com uma galera mais ativa... então acho que algo precisa ser feito por aqui para incentivar.

Ando com essa impressão também. Será que o time de desenvolvedores já está trabalhando em algo para tentar resolver isso? 👀

Não faço ideia, mas parece que não. Eu já pensei em algumas coisas que podem chamar atenção, a primeira obviamente é um perfil com HP alto para fazer curação nos snaps, posts com mais engajamento receber um voto bacana além do CR que vêm de bônus.

Boa! Quem sabe @asgarth não lê isso?

Será que ele entende português? Não sei se aquela tradução nativa do peakd funciona em todos os snaps, se ele aqui seria bem legal poder ajudar de alguma forma.

Se não conseguir ler, é só jogar em algum tradutor por fora.

That's right, let's wait and see if he gets in touch with us.

Outra ideia também seria criar um token que tivesse algum beneficio ou sei lá, juntar e trocar por HP permanente ou delegado, dar desconto em algo relacionado ao Splinterlands, trocar por zing, indicar post para curação... é o que da pra fazer eu acho.

Vou marcar @asgarth aqui também.

Boa, vamos ver se vai dar certo de dar um up nos snaps.

Who knows? We have to try it.

It is one of the best tools ever created for engagement.

Yeah. It's a pretty good one, in so many ways!

I agree with you on this one. I do wonder why the PeakD team doesn't actively promote Snaps. I think there is much growth possible...

I think in the end it's just a question of priority, it's not on their radar to promote here, so they're focused on other things.

Don't they want more people to use their front-end?

So, I think that anyone who has created something wants people to use their product, but it seems that peakd is kind of complacent about it, so I don't understand it either, we have great tools here, there should be a greater effort to promote peakd and snaps.

I think it must be a question of priorities, but certainly investing in marketing would be more interesting.

I believe it's something related to that, a priority that for them isn't the moment, but there are many things we can do and think about doing.


Hope to see some changes soon.

You have a very good point here.

This makes sense.

Sometimes I wonder the same thing. A heavier marketing effort surely wouldn't hurt.

Super concordo com vc mano.

Love it here. Hope more of my fellow #Splinterlands battlemages join me here!

This project can be really great someday.

I've been playing it just about daily for 3+ years and I already think it's great!

But you're right, there is always room for improvement and I'm excited for what the future holds!

Yeah. Let's hope for good things.

Good things are on the way!

I'm excited about exploring the benefits of the new survival mode. I'm not a huge land guy, but I think the next evolution of land will also be a big catalyst for the card market in the coming months.

Short form like snaps is the thing now given the short attention span of people and peakd is giving its users the tool so we don’t go anywhere else

Yeah. We need more marketing work on this project.