

Good luck to the competitors!
I hope one of the Brazilians take it home!

Three of them are still running, and each of them has a chance of winning.

Congratulations to all whom made it through. I guess I am not good enough and not popular enough.

Don't be discouraged, the fun is to participate, unfortunately we were left out, but now we will use our vote to define the finalists.

No worries, I am alright with not making it further. Sometimes it is not just luck for a competition, there are other factors involved, which was why I mentioned I wasn't good enough as compared to the rest whom made it further.

Yep, without a doubt my friend.

Don't talk like that. You were a great competitor, but as in any other competition, there are winners and losers.

Thanks for your participation, @vaynard86.

Don't worry, I am alright. Just thought maybe others deserve it more or have more backers for their work. Cheers and thanks for organizing, @wiseagent

You're welcome. 👍

Don't think like that, I believe that more competitions may arise and without a doubt you will be able to stand out.