Your a survivor, you'll do fine. You wont come out unscathed, but life will still be there you will still get to see your grand child and her pony grow. I quit smoking Sunday evening after our thanksgiving in 2016. It was about 9:20 pm that I stamped out my last cigarette. The taxi had arrived to take me to the airport so I could be at the hospital 175 road miles away from my home on Monday morning. That was 2016 I am still here.
Life throws us curve balls sometimes and we deal with it. It is hard to breath at times, and along with other issues life is hard at times, but life does go on. The important thing is to not let go and give up. In 1998 not one but four doctors gave me only 18 months to two years to live. They told me I did not need to worry about Y2K and to make sure my paper work was all in order.
Twenty plus years as a walking dead man. With the lung cancer diagnosis they were unsure, 5 to 7 days in the hospital they said. It ended up being 10 days, but life went on. When they released me they said I could not drive, and I could not fly, and three hours after they had some one that could take me to the hospital by my house 20 miles away from my house, but that was all they could do.
So another taxi ride home. No real medical support for my lung cancer treatment in my town. No one to help other than my wife and myself. We managed. It has not been easy and to this day they till will not tell me why 10 days instead of the max at 7. Don't give up press through and you will be fine. Not the same as you were, but you will still be alive and that is the most important thing.
Thank you for sharing your story. Yes, I know I'll not be the same, but I'm also sure I'll be here for a while to come.
I do hope it all works out fine. Just stay positive.