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RE: My health journey with cancer

in Writers Inc4 years ago

I think that's the worst part of it. I'm OK that it's me going through the treatment, but I don't think I'd be as OK if I had to watch anyone go through it.

So many people have said "Oh, one of my friends/neighbours/family went through that, and they're fine now, 5/10/20 years on" so it's all good.


In many respects it is much easier to go through it, than to watch a loved one go through it. In America there really is no spousal support, and the doctors and nurses will very rarely talk to the spouse.

That's another downside of the American health system.

There are a lot of problems with health care when the primary controlling factor becomes how much can we milk this person for and add to our coffers. People have gotten far to greedy and the only thing that matters is money.