Please: What do you really mean when you say "i love you"?

in justSaying7 months ago (edited)


What do people really mean, when they say "i love you"?

What does the word "love" mean?

Now, what about the "real" thing?

  • Unconditional "love"
    - The One we feel when Ego/Thought is absent.
    - The Light all humans are "searching" for,
    though sadly, most too many won't see a glimpse of it, in their whole life time!
    - The State of Mind where there is "no" Love.

In all the history of mankind in science and philosophy there is still an explanation "missing". It seems that the thinking mind is simply to small to grasp the picture in it's entirety.

Especially "religions" miss big time on that part... Even better: in some sectes(churches) "love" is made a taboo. Sure, better not talk about something, "no one" has a clue.

And the masses continue to believe their education conditioning that it's in the procreation, sexuality, a cheap movement for the funk of your genitals, where you gonna find love. Wouldn't that turn whores into saints?

This is perhaps even the explanation for the constant, worldwide oppression of women. With their ultimate weapon of sexuality and procreation, sure thing that men are afraid, trying violently to keep their "all-knowing" ego on top of it all. No way a patriarchal ego would accept this surely existing power of women. But is that love?

Anyways, just a few thoughts on the ill-considered use of words and their power/value. Please, may think twice before saying the "I Love You's" next time!



All content is my own intellectual "property", otherwise you'll see a source indicated !

Traduction Française
Que veulent vraiment dire les gens lorsqu'ils disent "je t'aime" ?

Que signifie le mot "amour" ?

Et maintenant, qu'en est-il de la "vraie" chose ?
  • Amour Inconditionnel
    • Celui que nous ressentons lorsque l'ego/la pensée est absent.
    • La Lumière que tous les humains recherchent, bien que la plupart d'entre eux n'en auront jamais eu un aperçu, ne serait-ce qu'une fois dans leur vie !
    • L'état d'esprit où il n'y a "pas" d'amour.

Dans toute l'histoire des sciences et de la philosophie de l'humanité, il manque toujours une explication. Il semble que l'esprit pensant soit tout simplement trop petit pour saisir l'image dans sa totalité.

Les "religions", en particulier, manquent cruellement à cet égard... Mieux encore : dans certaines sectes (églises), l'"amour" est devenu un tabou. *Bien sûr, mieux vaut ne pas parler de quelque chose, "personne" n'en a la moindre idée.

Et les masses continuent à croire leur éducation conditionnement que c'est dans la procréation, la sexualité, un mouvement bon marché pour le funk de vos organes génitaux, que vous trouverez l'amour. Cela ne transformerait-il pas les putes en saintes ?

C'est peut-être même l'explication de l'oppression constante et mondiale des femmes. Avec leur arme ultime qu'est la sexualité et la procréation, il est certain que les hommes ont peur, essayant violemment de maintenir leur ego "omniscient" au sommet. Il n'est pas question pour un ego patriarcal d'accepter ce pouvoir sûrement existant des femmes.

Quoi qu'il en soit, il s'agit juste de quelques réflexions sur l'utilisation inconsidérée des mots et de leur pouvoir/valeur. S'il vous plaît, réfléchissez-y à deux fois avant de dire "je t'aime" la prochaine fois !


Not words to be lightly thrown around without thought before using them, may arrive with consequences not desired affect.

In German they have this saying:

Before using your mouthpiece -
Please, switch on your brain


Thanks for your comment - it's much appreciated to see that you read the article and felt to leave a message.

That is one excellent saying to have, teach to those who don't use their grey matter at all, there are many!

Kinda wrote about this with @luvshares. Mentioned how the Greeks used multiple words for love, philia, Eros, and agape.

mondoshawan, crrdlx sent you LUV. 🙂 (1/3) tools | trade | connect | daily

Made with LUV by crrdlx.

In times when humans still were "educated" in the values of words... that was.
The knowledge of these values was most important to alchemy and consciously practiced magic...

Though today humans became cyborgs and always need some external input to know about the why's and how's... hopeful enough they at least understand the values of all the words.

Looking around us, i'm not too sure about that actually...

Thanks for your comment - it's much appreciated to see that you read the article and felt to leave a message.

love you" and it is meant truly, they are not relating to you as just a body; they see the real you. Love sees not just with the eyes, but with the heart, too, and it sees your soul. Love sees your eternal loveliness. Love sees the person you are trying to be. Love sees how loveable you really are. That’s why hearing the words "I love you" can give you the courage to be seen. Hence, love helps us to bring each other more fully into existence.

Quibbling over ambiguities:

love you" and it is meant truly, they are not relating to you as just a body; they see the real you. Love sees not just with the eyes, but with the heart, too, and it sees your soul.

  • Hmm... first off, you suppose, though: Love sees nothing... it's a singularity.

Love sees your eternal loveliness. Love sees the person you are trying to be. Love sees how lovable you really are.

  • Again, it sees nothing... there is no duality/judgement/thinking involved.

That’s why hearing the words "I love you" can give you the courage to be seen. Hence, love helps us to bring each other more fully into existence.

  • and from here on i got the impression that you are a "strong believer" in some kind of religion. All based on others "knowledge" which can never be part of my nor your life. It just can't... everyone his own experience/point-of-view.

Thanks for your comment - it's much appreciated to see that you read the article and felt to leave a message.

What a nice surprise to see a post from you!

Hear hear, brother. Hear Hear 👏🏼

I've been mostly canceled again 'cause I talked about equal rights for girls again 😕🙄


I'm considering cutting my hair and dressing up as a guy so that folks might chat with me a bit more about this stuff 🙃

We women must be quiet, you know. Thanks for the conversation

Universal Love all over. With no expectations. Unconditional. As it is. And have a lovely day!

'cause I talked about equal rights for girls again 😕🙄

What a bad bad girl... go back to the kitchen wife!

Good to see you over here Nicky, yeah it happens sometimes that i just can't shut the feck up... Showing presence in a blind world. 😏

Big Hug NICK, nice haircut btw... hehehehe

SatyAgraha 🙏

What a bad bad girl... go back to the kitchen wife!

I feel so ashamed 😢

Oh - I'm everywhere, Dude. Even in the kitchen if there are cookies involved!

Showing presence in a blind world

You mean shouting into the Void?


Big Hug NICK, nice haircut btw

Oh they're def going to burn me as a witch now. I'd better learn to bake asap!

Nice to see you too, Dude.

Hive is still the best platform for long form. I'm not gone. I'm busy making stuff and getting health sorted (hopefully) asap.

So brace yerself!

Love to you, brother. And not the stupid fluffy light love. The real deal <3



I mean - "Boo!" :D