Life ....according to you what exactly is it?I do not have that much experience of life however, i just want to share my prospective regarding life with lets start....we meet thousand of people in our life on daily basis which are of different caste and religion.In spite of it,we start our conversations without knowing their backgrounds.As i mentioned earlier,we are just spend our time with that person wholeheartedly.We get attached to one another only on the basis of talks,gossiping,chatting .Thus,with the time our relation become more stronger and stronger.After sometime,we feel like nobody can know him/her more than me.Actually,at that time we are only in an illusion.Time passes and we form a strong bond with one another.Initially all things which are happening to us bit fascinating because he or she can give you full concern all the time.Moreover,one realizes and feel on cloud nine because they receive alot of attention from one person.With the passage of time, we know negatives and positives of each other.At this moment, we ignore their neagtives just because he/she has some good traits also.Instead of thinking all this, we again persue our relation wholeheartedly.... To be continue.....
5 years ago in Ecency by aarvee17 (25)
very well said.. you have written it whole heartedly