Digital Freedom and Blockchain: how to secure your rights online

in Ecency3 days ago (edited)

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What if you could truly own your online presence? Social media platforms today control what you post, who sees it, and whether your content stays or disappears. But blockchain is changing that. After three years on Hive, I still consider myself a newbie and recognize that there is so much more for me to learn. That’s why I decided to interview experts in blockchain to share their experience and wisdom with us. I had the privilege of having a lengthy conversation with @starkerz, who shared how, in decentralized networks like Hive, we don’t just post—we earn. No middlemen, no censorship, no hidden fees—just real ownership of our content, community, and rewards. Have a listen and discover what the future of digital freedom has in store for us. Somehow, I have the feeling that Web3 has just begun! Let me know in the comments.

¿Y si pudieras ser realmente dueño de tu presencia en línea? Las plataformas de redes sociales controlan lo que publicas, quién lo ve y si tu contenido permanece o desaparece. Pero la tecnología blockchain está cambiando eso. Después de tres años en Hive, todavía me considero un novato y reconozco que tengo mucho por aprender. Por eso decidí entrevistar a expertos en blockchain para que compartan su experiencia y conocimiento con nosotros. Tuve el privilegio de tener una conversación extensa con @starkerz, quien me explicó cómo, en redes descentralizadas como Hive, no solo publicamos, sino que también ganamos. Sin intermediarios, sin censura, sin tarifas ocultas—solo verdadera propiedad de nuestro contenido, comunidad y recompensas. Escucha la conversación y descubre lo que el futuro de la libertad digital nos depara. De alguna manera, tengo la sensación de que Web3 apenas está comenzando. Déjame saber tu opinión en los comentarios.

Thumbnail was created by @salicj and it's use with @starkerz's permission

🔗 Relevant and Important Links:

👉 Hive Echo

👉 The Distriator

👉 Distriator App

👉 SPK Network

👉 Tokenized Breakaway Communities

👉 spendHBD and Earn Crypto

👉 former Twitter

If you want to learn more about my coaching services 👉 ACGalarza

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@dreemsteem, @brittandjosie, @sekani, @deraaa, @marbrym, @stdd, @idksamad78699, @mypathtofire, @defluenced, @palomap3, @ijohnsen, @geelocks, @salicj, @samsmith1971, @jane1289, @amberkashif, @cescajove, @dayadam, @penderis, @foxkoit, @melinda010100, @kenechukwu97, @bluefinstudios, @sacra97, @allentaylor, @gr33nsquad, @gr33nm4ster, @weone, @funshee, @fredaig, @hafiz34, @beeber, @mosiano12, @rafzat, @ismartboy, @manclar, @ravenmus1c, @Andrewmusic, @Ph1102, @Zitalo, @stevewealth

▶️ 3Speak


Very interesting. :)

Yes, !INDEED And the upcoming interviews will be also very interesting!

But blockchain is changing that.

Some Blockchains are. Such as

Hive has censorship and anyone with enough stake can throw your blogging experience into the shadows for x reasons or no reason at all.

Yes, we each own our own content so long as you keep your keys safe, the noone can take your car theoretically. It does happen anyways but usually due to one's own negligence on self security assessment.

Yes technically what you put on the chain stays on the chain so welcome to Vegas, and once it goes on the chain it's always technically accessible, unless the available front ends decided to also shadow censor you, through the DV of high HP individuals. Reasons can be from abuse, political, illogical claims, it doesn't really matter. It can happen. Does happen even by the ones running the show here.

One last piece of advice, question the experts because more times than not, they're liers.


Blurt requires buy in, and has the same circle-jerking as Hive. Pyramid scheme for people who had their feelings hurt by downvotes.

Hive accounts can be bought also. Both can be free.

Circle jerks and bukkakes are abound everywhere. Should be discouraged. It's disgusting.

Pyramid scheme is a good one but I think it's a Ponzi scheme that is what dpos chains in general are very capable of being.

Some did get their feelings hurt, others just wanted to be seen and not get shadow censored, or have the feeling of having to walk on eggs shells.

Thanks for your reply.

I don't mean that you have to buy an account on Blurt, I mean you have to buy their tokens to even be able to post. They don't have Resource Credits that refresh over time, you literally have to spend Blurt to post.

That's not free speech, that's pay-to-play.

Someone has to pay the fees for transactions. On hive the whales pay it. Be thankful.

So, the evil whales who are 'suppressing' people's free speech are the only reason Hive has free speech?

...and you're telling me to be thankful?

This is starting to look a lot like trolling.

Well has delisted Hive without notice, even though it’s one of the most active blockchains in the world, and Blurt is a key sponsor of that site.

Censoring a whole blockchain. What a win!!

Censorship as u say is not on hive but on the apps. Ur gripe is with the apps, not hive in general. Most of them don’t have sophisticated trending algorithms.

On 3Speak for example, down votes do not affect the trending algo and 3Speak is a Hive app. So how is hive censoring speech if one of its leading apps trending feeds are not affected by downvotes??

Also by your logic if u don’t upvote a blog enough on Blurt u are also censoring them.

Good evening

I get the notion you're confused about what censorship is.

Well has delisted Hive without notice, even though it’s one of the most active blockchains in the world, and Blurt is a key sponsor of that site.

Getting the hive token delisted is not censorship. Don't know how you came up to that conclusion.

Censorship as u say is not on hive but on the apps. Ur gripe is with the apps, not hive in general. Most of them don’t have sophisticated trending algorithms.

If I could DV you untill your rep is to 0 or below that you'll be shadow censored which is a form of censorship that hides your posts from being seen. That is censorship. And it occurs across the board. Yes hive in general. It's not about the algorithm. And it isn't just on apps.

Also by your logic if u don’t upvote a blog enough on Blurt u are also censoring them.

Not even close to what I was saying. No one is being censored on blurt even if you don't recieve an upvote. Everything is clearly visible and open. No shadow bans. Get your facts straight.

Again, those DV’s don’t affect the trending algo on 3Speak and several other apps on hive. So ur argument only applies to apps that integrate trending based on reputation and rewards. 3speaks trending algo is not affected by those. So how can hive be a censorship mechanism if 3Speak can not censor based on those criteria??

Not being voted on blurt has the same affect as being down voted on hive. U just don’t show up on many of the trending algos. Hopefully blurt apps don’t run their trending algos based on votes, as I’m generally opposed to that

You may be right about 3speak not censoring anything.

But just because it doesn't happen on 3speak doesn't mean it doesn't happen on the main. 3spesk isn't the main dish here. We're talking about censorship on hive itself.

Not being voted on blurt has the same affect as being down voted on hive.

Down votes steal donated stake influenced rewards from users. Just because a tip jar on the counter doesn't have security doesn't make it right to DV. Blurt doesn't do that. So with that alone it doesn't have the same effect. Down votes, if strong enough, can make content be hidden which is a form of censorship.

You say it's only on apps. What do you mean by hive in general then?

But it can’t hide content on 3Speak and 3Speak is using hive, as much as any other platform is using hive. Can u explain that to me? As to me trending feed on 3Speak is better than trending feed on peakd. Both trending feeds use hive

But it can’t hide content on 3Speak and 3Speak is using hive, as much as any other platform is using hive. Can u explain that to me? As to me trending feed on 3Speak is better than trending feed on peakd. Both trending feeds use hive

You seem to be fixated on trending. I get it. Trending is better on 3speak. You made your point.

This is about censorship. Does it happen?


I am a newbie here on HIve and there are a lot of things I need to study. Hive is a wonderful platform and I think four years from now HIve will boom.

I've been three years here and I have the feeling I just begun to understand and to grow. I'm looking forward to the future. Thanks for watching and commenting!


This is an informative video thank yu for sharing

Yes, my conversation with @starkerz was very informative and enjoyable at the same time. There is so much more to cover. Hopefully soon!


Esperemos que esto cambie pronto, cada vez me parece más una locura que todo nuestro material y trabajo pase a estar en manos de terceros como si nada.

También me considero una novata después del mismo tiempo aquí. A seguir aprendiendo y creciendo. Gracias por compartir.

¡Hola @belug! Si, estoy de acuerdo. Hay mucho material bueno que yo también necesito aprender. Es por eso que voy a seguir entrevistando gente con experiencia para aportar así mi granito de arena. ¡Muchas gracias por ver y comentar!


Thank you for sharing.

You are very welcome!