I know that science fiction is not everyone's cup of tea, but I love it! For many reasons, which, due to lack of time, I cannot discuss right now, one of my all-time favourite trilogies is The Matrix. But here is just one example that I would like to use to illustrate today's topic. In the second movie of the series, The Matrix Reloaded, Agent Smith shook the ground beneath my feet when he confronted Neo about what he had taken from him: purpose. That small exchange impacts me every time I see it because I think everyone can relate to Agent Smith. Like him, we all struggle with one of the greatest existential questions of every living being: What is the purpose of our life?

Because, as we both know, without purpose, we would not exist. It is purpose that created us. Purpose that connects us. Purpose that pulls us. That guides us. That drives us. It is purpose that defines us. Purpose that binds us. We are here because of you, Mr. Anderson. We're here to take from you what you tried to take from us. Purpose. — Agent Smith
The Values Gap
When I begin my coaching relationship with my clients, whether individuals or groups, one of the first topics we explore stems from this question: What do you value most in life? Interestingly, the vast majority of my clients, at best, have a vague awareness of their values; however, most do not, and even fewer can define them clearly. It is common to find people caught up in the whirlwind of life—raising children, home repairs, health issues, lack of communication in marriage, financial stress, unfinished projects at work, traffic on the road, etc. During the session, I constantly hear that my clients struggle to find a healthy balance between their work, family, and personal goals. Many of them feel lost, like ships without a compass in the middle of a vast sea under a starless sky. In my experience, most people live on autopilot, chasing what is urgent rather than what is truly meaningful. At the same time, within each of them, without exception, there is a deep longing for a life they desire, a life they dream of. Unfortunately, they don’t know where or how to begin the journey toward that preferable future.
Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might. — Eccl. 9:10
A Simple Way to Get Started
But how can we pour our energy into life if we are not clear about what truly matters? This is definitely a broad topic, and I will continue to explore it in my upcoming newsletters. For now, I want to inspire and encourage you to take the next seven days to spend five minutes each day reflecting on what you value in life and why.
It doesn’t matter what your work, family, health, or financial situation is. Every single one of us can benefit from five minutes of quiet and reflection. I have witnessed how a daily routine of reflection or meditation has helped my clients find peace and focus, develop a growth strategy, and experience rapid changes. Having a clear understanding of our personal values is like knowing how to perfectly use our inner compass to navigate life. Why? Because our personal values are the foundation of everything we do in life. What we value inspires, drives, and strengthens us. At first, having a meditation or reflection routine may feel like an obligation; however, if we remain consistent, it can very soon become a passion for what truly makes sense to us.
Until you value yourself, you won't value your time. Until you value your time, you will not do anything with it. ― M. Scott Peck, The Road Less Traveled

Let’s Talk About It
The first step is knowing where you are. The next step is aligning your life with what you value. So let me ask you:
- What’s your most important value?
- Have you found your purpose?
- Are you living in a way that reflects what truly matters to you?
Let me know in the comments: What’s your most important value and why? I read every response and would love to hear your thoughts.
If you want to learn more about my coaching services 👉 ACGalarza

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I can take this words ..... lot times I feel like this when I look HIVE :)) ... " Many of them feel lost, like ships without a compass in the middle of a vast sea under a starless sky " This are good words .
What’s your most important value? - That I can be free, no 12h work days all my life, I just can do my own thing and be my own Bank .
Have you found your purpose? - Yes I have, but life not want I get it very easy, it just make it very Extremely difficult to access.
Are you living in a way that reflects what truly matters to you? - Hard to say , I hope :))