I couldnt get my account logged in from my computer and I couldnt connect it to hive because of that stupid key I lost. I didnt realize what it was at the time because I was just new and learning about all this. And Im told if I lost the email with that one key then I am SOL. But being its on my phone I am still able to connect to it. Just cant do anything else with it.SO here I am replying from my new account. The one with all the hive networks tied to it. It just feels like internet 2.0 is going to be all about ownership of the internet. If you want in you have to buy subscriptions. This free shit. Its like a drug dealer. Itll be free for now while people get accustommed to it. Then when internet 2.0 is launched, The World AI connected by hubs of clouds and blockchains with their own AI. Dont think its gonna be much free space left on the internet in the next 100 years. So Im taking what I can while its here for the taking. Maybe by the time I die Ill be able to retire inside one of these new VR social networks like UHive, Im guessing UHive isnt connected to yall.