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RE: Rising star joke

in Ecency4 years ago

Hey u asshokes I didn’t fuckong down vote you u ungrateful pricks. There is an issue with my fucking iPhone app and when I would upvote it would downvote and I didn’t know it was doing this. It’s glitching for some reason on my iPhone so I stopped voting using my iPhone. And I don’t fucking know how to fix it so I stopped using it. This hive has been nothing but a bunch of selfish pricks. Try to get help and instead u get insulted. No wonder no one has heard of this place. I have never downvoted anyone befire intentionally. Not a single time. But after u assholes come on here acting all high and mighty like your shit don’t stink and u deserve some fuckong retard award , well makes me want to now. Instead of asking me if there was an issue EVEN THOUGH IVE ALREADY FUCKING MENTIONED THIS HSPPENED. I’d love for u to be a man and come talk that trash to my face. Ur smart. U can find me.