Secret Agent Whippie: A Real Cutie Patootie!
Good Morrow, all you wonderful strangers friends!
Today I have whipped up a copy of what may be the cutest avatar in all Hivedom - @melinda010100!
This avatar appears to have a fairly simple composition...have you ever heard that statistic that most car accidents happen close to home?
52% within five miles, 69% within ten, 77% within 15, and I'd venture to say 99.99% within 1000 🤣
...we'll come back to that.
For now, I started like I have been lately, with a nice clean grid ;)
I put all the pieces in the boxes, and everything was going smoothly.
But in the home stretch, the ink outline, I managed to lose sight of the details, and I came up short on the little red triangle part. Here in outline mode, it doesn't stand out much. If the outer jacket were any color other than black, I dare say I could have gotten away with it - but the black fill would bring this short triangle right into the forefront. didn't ruin it or anything, just kind of took me away from the original by a few degrees.
My favorite part - aside from that cute little happy face of course - is those little arms and legs!! I honestly don't know if I'd ever really noticed the legs prior to making the whippie this morning, but they're definitely a part of the original design, and so cute!
@melinda010100, you have a wonderful avatar, and it was super fun putting it together in whippie form!
Bonus Content: Stairway to Heaven, Led Zeppelin
For today's whippie bonus content, I bring you an improvised quena accompaniment to Led Zeppelin's Stairway to's unrehearsed and far from perfect, but the energy was great - this was probably one of my favorite improv recordings to date. Did I rhyme that on purpose? NOPE! 😜
Thanks for checking out some more of my work! As always, I hope you enjoyed witnessing as much as I enjoyed creating!
© Photos and words by @albuslucimus, except where otherwise indicated.
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Greetings @albuslucimus ,
What a lovely Whippie....from @ melinda010100 's first rate avatar....Well done!
One avatar you might be interested in drawing a whippie from is that of @ tamaralovelace. What do you think?
Kind Regards, Bleujay
I will definitely add it to my list!!! I’ve got about 20 others already scheduled, so it likely won’t show up immediately, but it’s officially on the schedule now :)
Cool art and theme as well. Imagine if you’re able to fill a wall with all your hand drawn avatars, that’s gonna be the awesome and will be appreciated by the community (I believe) 😊👍
LOL! I think so too! I stumbled onto the idea and thought this would be a super cool and unique way to practice my art skills while also engaging with the Hive community. So far it’s been a lot of fun :)
I'm quite sure that I haven't seen your initiative done by others, so it's unique :) Keep it up!
Thank you! I'm certainly hoping to stay on top of it. I have to travel next Wednesday and will be out with my family for a full week, I'm hoping I will be able to keep it going during that time. If not I may have to take a short time away but I'm definitely excited to think I may have come up with a cool and unique initiative here! I appreciate your kindness!!!
Please have a great time with your family! 😊 It's also nice to take some time off and have a breather, which can help you feel even more motivated when you return to your Hive activities. :)
This is true! …and typically very easy for me to do. I think I’m just excited because it’s a new thing and I really want to try to establish myself as “the avatar guy” 🤣🤣 it sounds stupid when I say it out loud lol
…still, I will certainly put my family first during this time!
$PIZZA slices delivered:
@curamax(4/5) tipped @albuslucimus
Ha! I would think this one would has been much easier than the ones you have been drawing from photos. I went back to look for the original picture that this Avatar was drawn from, but haven't been able to find it. The avatar was drawn by a 10 year old in Canada years ago when he saw a photo that I had shared long before Hive came into existence. I loved it and have used it as my avatar ever since.
Thanks for making it a whippie!
HAHAHA!!! This guy made the OG Whippie! …what a fun story and a cool way to turn that drawing into something bigger than the sum of all its parts :)
And you are most welcome, thank you for being awesome!
That Avatar looks so cute, but still has great art.
Thank you for making a post in the Ecency community, Sending you Ecency points♥️
Wow, thank you so much! 🙏🙏🙏
You're welcome, keep up the good work
Sending 5 HSBI your way. Thank you for your kindness, support and encouragement!!!
Thank you again ♥️
I'm just happy to be here! are most welcome :)
I love this idea! You’re talented for drawing and this is a great creative way to have inspiration. Congratulations.
Thank you! I very much appreciate your kind words! ❤️
This is awesome
lol thank you!!!