Some excellent points here ! I can be really terrible about engagement, it's so easy after a hard day at work to just scroll through hitting the upvote button, and takes real focus to leave useful comments.
But on the flip-side, I see a lot of it in reverse. Quite a few of my posts are creative writing, and they generally get decent upvotes which are nice from an HP earnings perspective, but very few comments. Most of those are pretty basic, along the "nice post" lines, but the ones I really value are the ones that give me feedback on my writing style, or whether the storyline works or could be improved.
Absolutely my good friend... First and foremost thanks so much for reading and for sharing your comments.
You're so right and while Upvotes will definitely help out HP I believe the real value we should be focusing on is getting our messages across the platform.. creating value from our writing or blogs.
I'm glad you understand my perspective... I'm literally at the top of engagement leaderboard and it has done so much good for me...