Highlights from Our Sports Activity

in Ecencylast month

On weekends, we supposed to take the Fatimiya Center students to different sports. We just appointed two sports secretaries, who are responsible for providing students with time and transporting them to various sports activities.

This weekend, we had the good fortune of taking kids from classes "B" and "D" to the futsal ground, where we organized an intense match between them.

It was a fantastic match between them, and I was supposed to play the role of referee. One must take care of these students on the ground since they sometimes fight each other or have injuries that require immediate attention.

For this reason, I and our two sports secretaries were accessible during the match to care after them. Fortunately, everything goes well, and we all love our time with the students.

Sports are incredibly beneficial to one's health and for the refreshment of the brain. Especially in this day and age, when depression is at an all-time high and technology has pushed us away from outdoor activities.

It is critical to exercise on a regular basis, whether through sports or other activities. But the most important thing is that we engage in some form of physical exercise in order to stay healthy and avoid various diseases.

In this sense, we have planned at least one weekly sports activity to help people stay active and healthy while also engaging with their friends and the natural environment.

I have some images to share with you. These are the photos I took during the match and tried to capture in the best possible way.

I hope you find this post interesting and I hope you will like it. If you like the post, please leave feedback in the comments section so that the next one will be even better. Thank you for sticking with me until the end.



REMEMBER: We should prepare for the unexpected and hope for the best. Life may not be easy, but you must do your best and leave the rest to God.


I'm in love with their participation on the field. The happy faces they carry. Keep up the leading spirit.