Look man i told u I respect u. U ve got money. Y fighting wd me. I told u i just arbitrage. Look man kindly just think from ur heart. I married. Ve three kids.I told u I need to earn to raise them. Looku people ve got big amounts. Y fight wd a poor person. Kindly if u want to earn big. I told u to check Voucher market. Look if I really had amount only 10% like u I would ve selected that Voucher token. Check this screenshot
Look man. U ve seen everything that I only circulate my tiny investment of 100 Hive. U people have got investments but as u people are busy so u put big orders n go MAN that is trading. But u ve seen that I make market I put efforts to bring ur numbers to series. Or if u still not satisfied wd all my efforts then man i pray that u feel from ur heart that U provide back zero spreads to u traders. U urself ve experienced from the first day that I am not rich like u but man look hove much RCs I consume to give u traders zero spreads n set u free from bots. Really man i pray that instead fight u should appreciate that yes indeed i got talent to control tiny markets like BEE token where daily volume is only 150-180 hive. Yes man u can try to check in charts or any where. U n rising star hub first do things which I tell u not to do then later u understand n do that. Look ask from Rising Star hub that I told him to allow this bid bot to trade as well. Look man competition is always good. N I know where n when I ve to let this bot buy.
Look man I cant come there n grab ur feet but I really wish that u go to some big market where people trade like u. I think u feel that I m against u. No man. I told u I arbitrage n I make market. I stopped u people from the very first day not to put big amounts on top. But u n Risingstarhub never listened.
Kindly just think that I am a poor person who faced an armed robbery three years back. Ve to Raise Kids. U can see that I wish to cheat system I can cheat. Then y forcing my talent to do bad things.
Look man. I too m human n kindly force me to turn to scammer or spammer.
IU saw that my talent
Only by graces of creator
That how I observed every Ai behaviour of these bots.
Deep down in my hesrt I wish that u stay in bee market n just man put ur amounts with my pennies man. Look man y dont u understand that if u provide more n more weight to each n every number towards both side that market moves nicely look y u put efforts to stop me just once add ur 2 token bids to my every .2 bid. That way price will move smooth.
N this way is more easier then u fighting with me. I cant really make sense y u r against me. Ur behaviour looks human. Cause as u know in the beginning u acted like rich people n i think i welcomed u but if I forgot. Sorry. From my heart.look onlydoge works. Freeborn society work n they never did things like u.
Kindly forgive me if i ve done anything bad to u. N kindly again do not force me to become stupid n bad. That way I really dont want to choose. Look man just an example.
U may ve got web3 followers or something else. Layer two tokens can never be stopped. I can bring n show ur followers that u earn big spreads in tiny markets n when i try to provide zero spreads u resist me. Look i ve records Vdos, Screenshots so please stop doimg these thimgs or if possible try to tell me y against a poor human MM.