I born in an Indian poor family. The poverty was hitting hard to me and my parents. We used to live in a hut with one room that with an old table which had a fractured leg, that was my study table. A small place which was to keep fire woods and to cook the daily food.
My parents were really hard workers and their aim is "Our Son shouldn't go with what we are dealing with. He should study well and to reach a higher position ".
Even I was interested in studies. I was just 6 years old, and was in 1st Grade. My mom is bit educated and she was teaching Everything well in home, and obviously it helped me to secure the 1st Rank in my grades till 5th. I had no idea that , my home is just a hut and rest of the students are coming from House those built with bricks and wall. I was just happy because I'm the topper in the class.
Till 5th grade, it was same ans when I changed the nearby school for studies from 6th grade, I slowly got to know that I'm Poor. I noticed that I'm the only kid who is wearing repeated clothes, I'm the kid who's wearing torn slippers, I'm the kid who has No TV in home . Though my dad was day labour, he was working hard in other's field to get the food daily and for notebooks and all. Luckily we had govt. Schools in our villages and it was free to get the education, still dress, Slippers ,, books were the little things that asked us to spend some pennies which was big deal due to poverty. Still, Till today my dad never put our family of 4 (Dad , Mom, I and my Sister) in hunger. Even if it's emergency, we borrowed some money from Neighbours but never slept with empty stomach.
As the grades grown, The more things I understood. Classmates were bringing Mobile Phones, because their family was able to afford them one. But, I was the kid who was trying to look on their screens without having any idea that how to use it. Still I was the topper in class. Some mids were riding bike to the school, rest were coming with bicycle. But I was just walk man. We were too poor to buy a motor bike and to buy a bicycle.
I was always missing school trips because of no money, As a kid I wanted to spend some quality time with friends, but the organizers were asking for the Trip fee, were My family couldn't pay it. So, I haven't gone for any tour. It was sad moment, but also matter of time. I was just praying to God for good times.
Most of the time, when the results are out there was no doubt 1st, 2nd or 3rd rank was fixed for me, because even after being poor, I was good in studies . But, when it comes to something money related, then ai was the poor most. I had a condition that I can't tell it in home and also with any of my friends. They were bringing **pocket money ** for some candies , after the school, they were buying it and chewing it was the fun time . But I had no money for it, just ignoring it was the only thing that I could do.
My parents were thinking, kids buying Candies and using money for temporary happiness during very childhood isn't good for the future, when they may grow up without having Saving mindset, it will affect their future. But they never thought that it's hard for a kid to manage with friends. Though with hard earned money, my dad was bringing some good edible stuffs daily.
Most important thing is, as my age and grades grown, the more I noticed that I need to grow much more. I have learnt that Birth as poor is okay,
but living and death as a rich is must. That's the reason, I focus much on financial things, business things than just reading books.
There's much more to tell ....but for now I feel sad again by remembering my past. See you in next blog, Take Care, Bye 💚.