Hello Hive World.
With the world still in so much chaos and confusion over this so called “pandemic”.. I have to admit, my life has thankfully remained unaltered and my day to day seemingly the same, besides when going out to the store, I’m not sure why but everyone else shopping seems to be wearing a covering over their chin. Bizarre behavior.
But for that I am very thankful to be able to support my family still, at our new home.
No one I know has gotten sick yet or even tested positive. Though I plan not to comply to the very end, I can’t help but feel bad for those who do follow the govt “mandates”.
Either way, it has sort of kept me from posting in a while since my opinions are hard to contain. All I will say is there is a ton of fake news out there on both sides, and discernment is very difficult but the patterns of lies and deceit are obvious enough to realize that the whole virus, at least this far, has been mostly a sham.
Needless deaths, which I say were deliberately caused by malpractice, such as all the needless ventilator death gauntlets, and the politicization of the readily available, easily obtainable, affordable, existing medications such as HCQ, zinc and Azithromycin. Or even those lovely vitamins C and D which were found to be major indicators of how successful an individual will be at combating the virus.(remember mostly in the very elderly and comorbid) Why does no national health department recommend boosting the intake of those key vitamins?
The only solution that our governments offer are the pharma crap such as a mandated Bill Gates eugenic vaccine or that remdisivir, fauci’s fancy new pharma product, which is super expensive to you and I and likely isn’t that effective. Even though, as of the statistics now, the chance of death from this virus is extremely low and countless retractions of the stats from our supposed trustworthy, never politicized or agenda driven, healthy departments.
I mean just go google search the Pennsylvania health secretary and try to explain to me how the hell I’m supposed to believe that that thing has my best interest in mind.... please. It sent its own parents out of nursing home while forcing infected into nursing homes, CAUSING deaths to occur. No thanks.
Iv turned off the television entirely, but I receive plenty of the news from twitter. Still the same old left right paradigm mixed with a ton of NPc accounts purely created to troll. What a cesspool. Too much fear porn these days.
But moving away from the global bullshit Rona news...
Our new home has been a blessing thus far for us. My garden, despite my lack of documentation, has been the most successful it’s been in three years of gardening. Perhaps an update is in store soon.
My employment has remained strong. Been working a lot of overtime recently. So that’s a positive note. Still praying for everyone else and the economy as a whole.
Haven’t had much time to travel in a while. My love and I plan to hit the beach with the boy and doggy one more time this summer.
Anyways that’s the recap of the last two months... work, play with family, fake virus hysteria, sleep. Take care y’all!
Hope to fly soon.