The day starts miserably cold and damp.
any thoughts about still joining the car boot sale are soon rejected. I am too cold to make a move.
even though the outside thermometer shows 9 degrees, the breeze runs very cold and it feels like less.
I take the new dowsing rods a friend gifted me for a test drive outside, trying to keep warm in motion.
they feel too light in my hands and the wind blows them all over the place.
I am cold and i lose patience. I get back inside.
I desperately need a hot drink and to be out of this wind.
I decide to make a fire to get some heat in my bones.
photo credit:
A thought comes to my mind as I put the match to the pine cone I use to start the fire with.
even though it was made mathematically perfect, following the Fibonacci sequence, the cone does not mind me burning it. its energy will not be destroyed, just transformed, helping me gain some heat in the process.
963Hz music plays in the background while I heat some water and the fire starts crackling in the stove.
slowly, the humidity in the air diminishes, I hold the hot cup between my two palms to take in all this warmth.
I already feel better.
being grateful that the dip in the temperatures is only for today and tomorrow. and even though the rains will still persist, we will get back to comfortable 17 degrees soon enough.
trying to make a productive plan for the coming week, where I prepare for some jobs, buying materials while it is raining, and so get them done as soon as the rains stop. also, trying to enjoy some of this "forced" rest, even though it isn´t easy. always feeling the need for productivity, and the very real and present need to earn.
once planning is out of the way, I´ll try to do some more meditation and setting of intentions for March and beyond. and then, if I manage to calm my mind down enough, do some reading in Steinbeck´s Red Pony that i found recently in our village´s outdoor library cabinet.
I need the temperature to be cosy enough for these two tasks to be successful 🔥
so maybe I´ll send a little preyer to the fire gods first.
I crack open and eat a few Pecan nuts (my favorites) and realize that with my post nearing its end, I now just need a title..
thank you for stopping by 🙏
wishing us all a peaceful Sunday.