
Thank you sir and welcome

some time later i'm going to make a page in Text only on how to do stuff, i'm still learning, and you're video helped. have you more?
Oh i might nick it, as in point to it from elsewhere, i'll keep your links intact, assuming they even exist on hive!

The only way I think is via some ND of peer to peer.
This from simplex but they ALL say the same.

Buy crypto now
with just a few clicks (excluding UK)
Attention - UK users: Simplex’s services are temporarily paused for UK users while we update our system to comply with UK regulations. If you are a UK user, you are not permitted to use this service.

Any idea how right now to how to buy hive if living in the uk? So far all exchanges say 'no!' As soon as you say 'in the uk'.

Do you mean you live in the UK and you wanted to buy hive but can't ?

in short yes! even peer to peer.
i have crypto on ledger and coinbase but neither do hive (tho i'm not sure which hive i need) i think now it might be possible to transfer in 'cryptoland' crypto to an exchange that Does do hive and transfer from there, But no exchange will take on anybody from the uk. (currently)

meta mask did, but they have 3.
Bhive BNB chain
Ehive Etherium and
Phive on polygon, and even if i can at that point i don't know which to get.

Do you want to buy hive with your crypto ?

I think that is an option, tho the exchanges I'm on don't sell it, tho metamask do. But it offers 3 different hives and I didn't know which one.

Phive polgon, dhive dhd hive, and a other one forgotten now.

Did this once before with lightning amd it shot into hyperspace somewhere.

Maybe I can help if you want