How many other medical professionals have been told curious and questionable things regarding covid 19?
I question anything and everything, if you watched what the (Who) did in China, all of the mistakes all of the findings all of the process being announced, months later why was the U.S. following the exact same trial and errors played out by the US Who?
From that moment it was too coincidental not to question everyone and everything.
It only gets worse when you have experiences of someone who signed up for a covid test but left before the test was administered, because the line was too long only to receive a positive test in the mail 3 days later from the test you have never taken.
Or local news crews telling the world that the hospital down the road is packed with dying people of covid 19 when in reality it’s visually empty.
The tents they claim that are packed with I’ll stricken folks, is empty. The physical hospital is empty besides.
How about the uncle who dies from a heart attack, but hospital administrators insist it’s from covid.