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RE: Ecency Points Giveaway #39 (win 150 points)

in Ecencylast year

It's not the first time I've been threatened or harassed by him.

and you are harassing him by this thread xD

Bully behavior and financial terrorism...

When its part of the system, I don't think these things apply x)


Actually you can have your opinion and I can have mine.

However after watching friends of mine have their business destroyed here on the blockchain? Others ran off?

I'm entitled to my opinion. If it wasn't true he wouldn't attack me for pointing it out.

Shrug. Whatever. Is what it is. Not like hive is wildly successful and the community is banging. It's now like a bad 90s site... And he is responsible for the the decline. And backstabbing.

If it wasn't true he wouldn't attack me for pointing it out.

Thats not how the world works xD

I & others on Hive have tried numerous times to make sure what people post here is actually theirs and sometimes they would rather fight us for months than provide any proof, so that ends in downvotes since they don't want to prove that they don't steal it from somewhere and even if they are correct and its theirs, they are still getting downvote since don't didn't want to show any proof x)

So licence proof is easily able to be posted...

But yeah my opinion and comments are those. Attacking others because of the facts and truth? Sweet. Is what it is. Hive is imploding. Sure we went up a little. But where's the community? The far majority of them have been threatened and bullied by OCD and acidjoe... Lol.

In fact I had a really good blog going and OCD voted at 30 bucks. Then they got upset and started bullying and threatening me because apparently they believed my dog had wrote The blog... Seriously?.

Yep complete screw over of hive by the bully of the block chain.

Far majority of the reason why most of my friend have had to leave was because of harassment and bullying on hive which now has resulted in the collapse of active users and the community...

Besides the psyberx debacle....

Attacking others because of the facts and truth?

You can contiune to say its the "Truth" but since you are never going to provide any proof, nobody will care my dude x)

But without proof, then you are just cryign xD


Exactly :D Just like yours, its just an opinion, not truth :D


Well, since it was a scam. I feel like it got what it deserved.

It's running just fine. But it's far from the success pre acidyo threat.

Same with ecency.

I didn't do anything but point that out.

Again. How about the bidbot wars. The freespeach wars...

At the center of all of these blockchain-wide bully tactics has been ...

Yep. Is what it is but whatever.

Literally I've got steak so I can go do other things like tend to my overwhelming little pile of investments.

I've got curation and plenty of engagement as well as friends.. and it's not like my opinions are the only ones out there.

So what a couple of dollars were taken from me I mean it's not like Hive is paying my bills and I was suddenly robbed of my wallet... Lol.

I'm doing just fine. And in fact seriously I need to go play in real life because with high collapsing and the massive amount of users going inactive? We will see what all happens.

However right now I'm going to say that Hive is mortally wounded. It's on the decline and as much as a couple of down votes against me is going to do a thing.....

It's not going to change it. It just does underline toxic behavior here on the blockchain that is leading to the collapse and downfall of any semblance of community.

It's running just fine. But it's far from the success pre acidyo threat

Ohh thats a shame. I thought it was rullpulled :c

So what a couple of dollars were taken from me I mean it's not like Hive is paying my bills and I was suddenly robbed of my wallet... Lol.

It seems like you care, since you mentions it so often :c

I'm doing just fine. And in fact seriously I need to go play in real life because with high collapsing and the massive amount of users going inactive? We will see what all happens.

Go have fun in real life then :D