My pleasure.
Have you spent much time outside the US? Dude I'm from LA so don't trip, seriously, i call it 'kill'em with kindness.' Nothing personal—took me about a solid year before I began realizing how creepy smiles are. Priests do it, the dude in the white van without door handles on the inside does it, door to door salesman with knives that cuts penny's does it. That one took us awhile, too.
Really though, if it's disrespectful to say "please," for example, in someone else's culture I won't say it. Or if you're in Greece it's disrespectful when a woman approaches you to continue waking, men stop walking when a woman approaches. Took me a couple days to figure that out like 'why do they keep running into me?!'
(I'm way off topic)
To put it in perspective, Brit's go to the US and refuse to tip servers. Could you fucking imagine?! Nah.. Not in my culture! You tip when you're at my house, imposing your culture on someone else's is rude. If it's culturally expected to tip then you tip and vice versa, if it's culturally expected not to tip then you don't tip!
Danget, another long one. ~Thank you~
Oh you're from LA.
That completely explains it, LOL!
The extent of my travels outside the US has been to Canada a couple of times making deliveries and pick ups.
Thats it.
I wasnt trying to impose my culture on anyone. This is a public world wide forum and people are free to say what they want and think what they what they want. The same way I did. If I was physically in their culture I would abide by and respect their rules.
But here I will say and be appreciative to who I want to be. I typed these words and I say things I say. I didnt force them to come and read them or listen to them. If they get offended thats their problem.
There is nothing wrong with long comments. Sometimes those are better than the actual post, lol.
One other thing I keep meaning to ask you.

How did you get that handwriting font?
Did I seem accusatory? Damn these monitors! That's not what I meant at all, was just explaining some things I've learned. That one's got a fun backstory actually. A Syrian dude we befriended about four years ago, restauranteur guy, real sharp dude, gave me a little coaching one night, said "you know how you're always thank you-thank you, please-please.. Do.Not do that in Israel" and went on to explain how it wouldn't be received well.
Fun fact—Canada is the only country that's denied me entry. They were like, "nope! Turn right tf around!"
𝕬𝖇𝖗𝖆 𝕮𝖆𝖉𝖆𝖇𝖗𝖆.
Canada said no? Didnt think that was possible. At least until recently with the jab enforcement going on.
Nah it didt really seem accusatory. Just wasnt what I was expecting as a comment. Since it wasnt the meaning of the post. I was trying to convey that people should let others know they are appreciated since the majority of the population arent mind readers.
And bookmarked! Thank you! Thats fricking cool!
Oh dude this was about 25 years ago. Haven't tried since.
My pleasure. =}
wow. Thats wild. I would never have expected that.