Hi everyone! How's life going HIVE friends? I hope you are in good health and get blessings from God. Let me introduce myself, my name is Deddy Sunarya, my close friends often call me Deddy or D-WoX. I am married and have two children. The first time I saw this platform I was still confused because I might be late knowing about blockchain platforms that can provide financial benefits. I have a motto in life which is "Drawing is my life".
Hi semuanya apa kabarnya teman – teman HIVE? Semoga kalian dalam keadaan baik, sehat selalu dan mendapatkan keberkahan dari Tuhan. Perkenalkan nama saya Deddy Sunarya, teman – teman dekat saya sering memanggil saya dengan Deddy atau D-WoX. Saya sudah menikah dan mempunyai dua orang anak. Pertama kali saya melihat platform ini saya masih bingung karena saya mungkin telat mengetahui tentang platform blockchain yang bisa memberikan keuntungan dari segi finansial. Saya mempunyai motto dalam hidup yaitu “Menggambar adalah hidupku”.
I currently work as a Designer, Painter/Sketcher, as well as a Digital Artist on several centralized platforms. On this platform, I see many digital artist friends with the same hobby as me, and I decided to consistently post here. Of course, this is a great opportunity for me to develop my skills and help my family financially.
Saat ini saya bekerja sebagai Designer, Painter / Sketcher, dan juga Digital Artist di beberapa platform tersentralisasi. Di platform ini saya melihat banyak teman – teman digital artist dengan hobby yang sama dengan saya, dan saya memutuskan untuk konsisten membuat post disini. Tentunya ini sebuah kesempatan besar buat saya untuk mengembangkan skill saya dan finansial keluarga saya bisa terbantu.
Where i know first this Hive Blog Platform?
This platform was first introduced by my brother @taufar and my eldersister @callmenana who are already blogging on this platform. They said that with my painting and digital art skills I can make friends all over the world and of course I can share my paintings, Digital Painting / Art, and NFT art on this platform.
Tahu darimana Platform Hive Blog ini?
Platform ini pertama kali diperkenalkan olah kakak saya @taufar dan @callmenana yang sudah blogging di platform ini. Mereka mengatakan bahwa dengan skill melukis dan digital art yang saya miliki saya bisa menambah teman teman di seluruh dunia dan tentunya saya bisa berbagi hasil karya lukis, Digital Painting / Art, dan NFT art saya di platform ini.
What is my Blog Content about?
After a week I got to know this platform, I tried to find some communities that match my skills. Among them I am interested in the Sketchbook Community, Alien Art Hive, OnChainArt, and also the Let's Make a Collage Community. Here are some examples of my work, I hope you like it:
- Hand painted pictures
- Digital painting pictures
- NFT Image
Konten Blog saya tentang apa?
Setelah seminggu saya mengenal platform ini, saya mencoba mencari beberapa komunitas yang sesuai dengan skill yang saya miliki. Diantaranya saya tertarik dengan Komunitas Sketchbook, Alien Art Hive, OnChainArt, dan juga Komunitas Let’s Make a Collage. Berikut beberapa contoh dari hasil karya saya, semoga kalian menyukainya:
- Gambar lukis tangan
- Gambar digital painting
- Gambar NFT
This is my short introduction, I am a newcomer to this platform and still need support from all parties. Many thanks to Hivers friends who have supported me both today and in the future.
Demikian Short Introduction dari saya, saya pendatang baru di platform ini dan masih butuh dukungan dari semua pihak. Terima kasih banyak kepada teman – teman Hivers yang telah mendukung saya baik hari ini maupun di masa yang akan datang.
And I also display some of my work on my social media accounts, namely Facebook and Instagram, I also display my nft on the Opensea marketplace.
Hello @deddywox! This is @jcrodriguez from the @OCD team. Congratulations for making your presentation post to the community. 😊
It would be great if you put your social networks where you have published all your artist portfolio. It is very useful, so you would gain followers in your conventional networks and if you put a link to Hive in those networks, other people would join and follow you here.
I also invite you to explore other communities that you might like in this post: OCD Communities Incubation Program. There is a wide variety of topics. Check out all the communities. If you are looking for tips and information as a Hive newbie, click here: newbie guide. They are easy to understand and useful for learning how the platform ecosystem works.
Please be aware that Hive is a bit different from other social media platforms since you are monetizing your blog, so it is important not to include content that you don't own without sources (and it shouldn't exceed 50% of the post). For more information, check this post - Why and How People Abuse and Plagiarise by hivewatchers.
If you have questions or concerns, you can hop into OCD's Discord server and we'll gladly answer your questions.
Thank you, oke next I am publish to OCD community, thank for your information..
Kami sangat berharap Anda menemukan semua yang Anda cari dan telah menemukan rumah baru di sini.Selamat datang di komunitas Hive @deddywox!
Tujuh saran untuk dipertimbangkan:
Saya menemukan Anda karena @brittandjosie dan @jamerussell dari @heyhaveyamet mempresentasikan dan mempromosikan publikasi Anda untuk mendapatkan lebih banyak eksposur dan membantu Anda tumbuh lebih cepat.
Jika Anda merasa kewalahan dan membutuhkan bimbingan, atau jika Anda memiliki pertanyaan, tersedia Steemian yang dapat membantu Anda; Anda dapat mengklik untuk pergi ke The Terminal in Discord di sini:
Selamat bersenang-senang dan selamat Hiving!
okey terima kasih banyak kawan atas tanggapannya dengan keanggotaan baru saya.
Anda sangat dipersilakan!
terima kasih banyak semoga saya bisa berbaur dengan semua anggota komunitas hive yang ada di seluruh dunia,terima kasih..terima kasih
Nice to meet you! You have extraordinary potential @deddywox! Blessings and best wishes, don't stop participating in the contests so that many more can enjoy your great art, besides that you will have a greater support in the splendid community. I invite you to participate in another Splinterlands contest but it is another Social Media Challenge community, the contest starts on Tuesdays, today's contest will be out soon. You really surprise me! In the Splinterlands blog posts you will be able to see.. I hope to see you there too. Best wishes to you!
Thank you for the support so far, I might just take part in the art contest first at splinterlands, and to be honest I didn't expect to win much in this contest, since I was able to join I'm quite happy :)