If you are just finding out about DreeMerge Season 2 and want your chance at the 350 HBD prize - Scroll to the bottom to get all the help you need to catch up!
I was impatient to introduce the rest of the characters and move into more of the plot! So here you go, my fellow dreemers! A Double Feature!
List of Characters:
Pepper: Pimenta, Piperra, Pip, Bżar
Mint: Mento, Mentă, Munt, Zekka
Blueberry: Borůvka, Boro, Bláber, Myrtille
Blackberry: Björnbär, Brómber, Braam, Kupina
Carrot: Curran, Cenoria, Cairéad, Azen
#5: The Blackberry Warriors
As Borův traversed the tall strands of grass, he started to grow a little worried. He never had a full-fledged conversation with the Blackberries before. They were recluses a lot of the time- and very intimidating, often not showing much emotion. This, combined with their heightened stature that was topped only by the Carrots, was enough to get Borův's mind spinning.

However, before he even realized it, he was standing at their front door. He nervously raised his fist to knock, but the door opened before he even had a chance.
“What do you want?” One of the Blackberries asked sternly.
“Um, could I talk to you guys?” His voice quivered.
“About what?” The Blackberry snapped back.
“Would you guys be willing to teach me about your brotherly wisdom?”
The door shut abruptly.
“Rotten Squash!,” Borův said to himself.
The Blackberries were a very interesting group in the garden. Once again, they were intimidating and quiet recluses that not many in the garden ever ventured to talk to.
Sure, they showed up for meetings without bothering anyone, but they had their oddities. For one, they considered themselves more of a clan than a family. Yes, they were still technically brothers, but it was more of an…intense brotherhood. To top it off, they were a group of warriors who would hunt anything threatening the garden. Many believed that it was through the help of this group how Zekka learned to fight and maybe even Myrtille got his feistiness, though no one had any evidence of it.
The group included three brothers, Björnbär, Brómber, Braam, and their father, Kupina. Björnbär was the youngest, yet most intelligent of the sons. Brómber was the eldest. Braam, the middle son, was the Blackberry that Borův had just had the unfortunate exchange with at the door. Braam was the peacekeeper among the brothers.
It wouldn't take an avid reader to recognize a pattern. Every group in the garden had one, singled out member that was a constant source of trouble. For this group, it was Kupina. Contrary to some of the other trouble makers of the garden, Kupina’s trouble came as being a figure of authority. He was a man driven by his warrior past, which he passed down to his sons. While his sons looked up to their father, it was Brómber who took this responsibility a little too far, constantly attempting to be like him. This made him grow into the primary hunter of the group. Braam would frequently go out and assist him, but Björnbär refused to hunt.
Björnbär began pushing for himself to become the leader instead, which upset his father. Kupina was old, however, so there was little he could do other than influence his older sons. So day by day, he would tell them not to accept Björnbär as their leader. This worked less on Braam, because he still loved his younger brother and saw him as the most capable leader of the three. Brómber was more easily convinced on the other hand, which led to an eventual implosion, similar to the Blueberries.
One afternoon, when Brómber returned home, he saw Björnbär sitting alone at the head of the table reading, which was supposed to be his father’s seat. He walked up to his brother, infuriated.
“What do you think you’re doing?!” Brómber asked.
“I’m reading,” Björnbär said, not even realizing he was sitting at the head.
“Get off of dad’s chair!” Brómber’s mood soured even more.
Kupina had just entered the room, entertained by the animosity. The boys hardly noticed his antagonistic gaze.
Brómber grabbed Björnbär by his shirt, eyes widening. “You’re unbelievable. You know, being the youngest of us, you really do act like it. If you had any sense, you would be more like me and dad! Even Braam acts more like a leader than you!”
Björnbär tried to push him away, but couldn’t. Kupina continued to watch, wanting his youngest son to finally get what he deserved. But before Brómber could hurt his brother, Braam came running in, hearing the commotion from afar.
“Put him down, Brómber! Put him down, right now!”
Kupina’s hungry expression dropped.
Brómber’s glare didn’t leave Björnbär’s anxious face, however.
“Can’t you see that this is all because of dad?! He’s literally right over there watching you both- he wants you to hurt him! Please put our brother down!” Braam pleaded with Brómber.
Brómber softened at the petition. This was his baby brother, and he might have just damaged their relationship beyond repair. This realization led to another; he didn’t remember the last time he hadn’t hated Björnbär. His grip softened and his hardened eyes fell from his brother. He couldn’t look anyone in the eyes. Then, he locked eyes with his father, who stood up.
“Don’t you dare look at me, you disappointment,” Kupina declared. He exited the room.
Brómber still couldn’t look at his brothers, and slunk out as well.
Björnbär walked over to Braam and squeezed him with a short hug, “Thank you.”
The events of this day shuffled through Braam’s mind. He realized it wasn’t right to turn away Borůvka- a boy just wanting to know more about what the Blackberries should’ve known better. Brotherhood.
The door slowly opened up again, and seeing Borůvka halfway down the trail, he called out to the blueberry boy.
“Come on in,” Braam invited.
#6: The Farming Carrots

A telescope lowered as a couple of googly-looking eyes widened.
“We got 'em now, boys!” a carrot with cartoony features exclaimed.
“What, now??” a feminine voice came from behind, sighing.
“The Blackberries and the Blueberries have teamed up! I told you it was only a matter of time!”
“Azen, the Blueberries are little boys. They’re like…this tall!” the girl held her hand up to her hip. “I think maybe it’s time we called it a day.”
He stared at her. “Evil never sleeps, so neither must I! There's always a squash threatening to be the rottenest!!” He turned and continued peering into his binoculars.
The Carrots had preferred staying in the background, but they made up an important sphere of the garden. They themselves were actually farmers, observing the nature of the garden and Amani to learn all they needed to know. They specialized in growing all kinds of fertilizers to sustain the garden and even created a small business that tailored their fertilizers to the individual tastes of the Garden.
This is why they would quietly spy on each of the members of the Garden - to figure out new flavors to entice them into being customers. It was Azen’s shift today - but instead of spending his time learning the preferences of their potential customers, he would spend his day spinning tales of conspiracies, which he definitely took too far.
The other Carrots were the two brothers Curran and Cairéad and then their sister Cenoria. Unlike many of the other groups going through their current troubles, they were fortunate to not always be at odds. They did however, get into a fair amount of disputes with others in the garden, especially the Peppers and the Blueberries.
They lived an innocent simple life…if you counted spying as innocent. For them, they deemed it a necessary technique for a successful business.
As the day came to a close, Azen and Cenoria walked back towards home.
“I’m telling you, Sis, they’re up to something and I’m going to find out what it is.”
“Azen, the only reason we’re spying on them is to find out what kind of flavors they like. That way, we can try and create some profiles that match their palates and we will get them to eat our food.”
“So you’re saying they’re planning to become our squashy overlords?? Fascinating.”
Cenoria sighed yet again at her brother. He really was a whacko.
The two reached their home to see their brothers out front rooting up some of their plants.
“How’d it go?” Curran asked.
“About as well as you’d expect,” Cenoria responded.
“I’m keeping the overlords at bay - So, it's going GREAT!” Azen announced.
Curran and Cenoria looked at each other, and rolled their eyes as Azen walked inside.
“We’ll get 'em next time, Nori,” Cairéad responded. The three siblings sat on the front porch of their farm shack, watching as the sun lowered.
“You know, I don't mind our simple lives,” Cenoria said to her brothers. “It's quite peaceful.”
The brothers just nodded their heads in agreement and sat a little longer.
“In other news, Azen said he thinks he saw the Blackberries eat a spider today, and a few days ago, a cricket. Perhaps, they would like a bit more of a protein-packed fertilizer to entice them?”
“Oh no, you're not getting me close to one of those!” Cairéad responded.
Curran agreed, “Yeah, ants are one thing, but spiders? Ain't no way.”
“Yeah, well, he thought it was a spider. But to be fair, he did have the binoculars backwards at first,” Cenoria sighed.
“What a guy,” Curran giggled.
“Heck, we should probably get back into positions with everyone else. Can't have Amani waking up with all of us walking around the Garden!” Cairéad said as he stood up. “AZEN!!!”
Azen came walking out almost immediately, and began on the path towards where they would plant themselves back into the ground, “If only evil rested, then I could rest in peace,” he turned and said to his siblings.
Their eyes widened and lips pursed in confusion as they looked at eachother.
“That's just it!” He exclaimed. “I won’t sleep Squishy squashes!!! I’m coming for you!!” He turned once again to his siblings and gave a single exaggerated nod. “Goodnight!” He suddenly disappeared into the distant horizon as his siblings all froze in shock.
“Did he just -?”
“Should we go-?”

The siblings gave chase to their brother, running laps around the garden. They searched their shack and other places he might be, but to no avail. He had disappeared almost suddenly, which was very concerning to them. They might've thought him crazy, but they still loved him and wanted to keep him safe.
Either way, the day began to shift to night. “We gotta go back, guys,” Curran said.
“Crap,” Cenoria responded. “How the heck did that just happen??”
The siblings sighed in defeat. They walked over to their holes and buried themselves, leaving Azen's spot open in case he came back. Meanwhile all of the other fruits and vegetables returned to their positions to sleep so Amani would awaken to an almost-normal Garden. What a day it had been!
And with that my fellow dreemers - you have met all the main characters! I'm sure you've started to reveal them with your magic??? How many characters do you have so far? On Sunday's post, we will begin to guide you deeper into the plot of the story, and hopefully you will start to see threads to weave together! Be sure to join in at PYPT on Thursday for another hint! Let's see if we can get you closer to that winning prize! 😜
Posts of Season 2
If you are just finding out about DreeMerge Season 2 - Here is all you need to catch up! To collect your cards - be sure to do your daily curation tasks on DreemPort and if you need to ask questions live - head over to our DreemPort discord. The prize to solve the mystery FIRST is 350 HBD - go it alone, or form a tEEM and split the winnings amongst yourselves. Clues can be found in the storyline to guide your journey! Good luck!

Thanks to @shadowspub, @penderis, @bluefinstudios, @kemmyb, @wesphilbin, @melinda010100, @samsmith1971, @silversaver888, @lizelle, @kenechukwu97, @jacoalberts, @acgalarza, @blackdaisyft, @balikis95, @alessandrawhite, and @dreemsteem for making the @dreemport voting power go farther! ❤️

Images created with Midjourney
I must say that I am in awe with Amani's brilliant mind. Like how did she just keep coming up with this storyline?
Now we have met all the characters (finally releasing the breathe I didn't know I was holding)
Looking forward to getting more clues 😂😂😂 . I think I need to read this again at a later time. Can't wait to see how it all unfolds.
I sure won't be missing PYPT for anything in the world.
Always a #dreemerforlife
hahaha - three of us have added to the storyline - but my son-in-love is the one who has created most of this! He really had such a great time writing this and I have jumped in here and there, with the help of my daughter also... but it was great fun watching this story come to life!!!
Now... Sunday comes with us knowing all the main characters and now we'll see their interaction and wonder!!! hehehe
Hope you got that clue from PYPT! hehehe if so... did it help??? LOL
Ooohhh it sure did. It even made me realize I am getting closer. That's why I share lots of clues on my posts to help other dreemers too.
This dreemer is anticipating 👀
But that was one heck of a read 😱
What a beautiful story, blackberries the warriors, carrots the spies , and the young boys want to learn. I love how the story is going. Now waiting for the thread. The most important part.
And Sunday.... it comes!
I've been reading a few of the challenge posts this morning and giggling my head off... I have so many to catch up on!!! I'm seriously having more fun than all of you! hahahahahaha
and I dont' think i saw you at PYPT!!!! so you missed that big clue??? or someone from your teem was there to grab it for you? hehehe
Yes I was not present but I was able to get the clue. My battery was low.
It's a good thing you're having fun. I'm just careful with squashes. I'll experiment on many things when I am able to buy a lot of dreemie cards
Curated with an Ecency vote
Thank you Miss @melinda010100!!! hehehe
It seems to be getting more interesting each day, I am liking that azen guy, he should have much information on the garden than anyone else. He's going away might result in something good.
Wait until you see the Azen card - I really laughed for a full hour when my daughter first designed it. He just makes me laugh!!!!!!! ROFLLLLLLL
Heheh, guess the guy is really cool, so cool enough to get my mama laughing taht much, with his sexy eyes😂
and his whiskers 😂😂😂😂
This has been a longggg read but definitely worth it
Game on now!
You were not informed. 😂
hahaha was it too long??? sorry - i was just so impatient for you all to meet everyone and then start the storlyine LOLOL
Congratulations 🥳🥳
@abenad you are the lucky winner of 100 Dreem Tokens for participating in Dreemport’s Bounty.
Thank you so much
My shoulders came down at this point. Geez! 🤣
I think my favourite family would be the Carrots. Indeed, what a guy Azen is! 😄😂
But I'm confused. I thought this would be #5 and #6
heheh yes - sorry - i saw that the next day also and updated it when i put it into the Collection! LOL
I also have my favorite characters - but I can't say who they are or else people will think that its a secret clue. LOL so i'll have to wait until the end! LOLOL
and I don't know if you've seen the Azen card yet - but when my daughter created it - i literally - LITERALLY laughed for a straight hour.
She created him at night when she was alone - and scared herself....
but I was LAUGHING the whole time we were talking in DM - his face!!!!!!! every time I looked at the card, I could NOT stop laughing!!!!!!!!!!!! ROFLLLLLLLLLL
The antagonizing in the blacks cut across. I do not perceive that strong brotherhood within them after all. Lots of scheming and only united on the outside
I definitely didn't see that one coming with the carrot family. Did Azen lose it completely? When I revealed that card before reading the story, I knew Azen would be one fierce character. But this hehe… Beyond me.
I can't wait for more clues. Hehe.
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so you've seen Azen (i haven't caught up on all the challenge posts yet but hope to - today)
but that Azen card - my daughter created it late at night - and it scared her ROFLLLLLLLLL
and she sent it to me - and I laughed, and laughed and laughed!!!!!!!! i coudln't stop... every time i opened my phone again and saw him - I just busted out laughing again!!!! ROFLLLLLLLLLLL
Sunday comes with more clues! hehehe
Hehe. I was faced with this mean face on my screen. Mean yet comic. Then I couldn't wait to read the story.
Now I did and it makes perfect sense. Hehe!
I cannot wait for Sunday.
Such an interesting read, it was quite long but the read was worth it.
I can't help but fall in love with the carrot family, Azen is a character
hahahahaha everyone really seems to love that carrot family! hehehehe and yes - Azen!!! LOL he is really hilarious LOL
Finally got to meet all the characters. Like more magic would be needed to reveal them all. Looking forward to catch more clues as they drop.
ah yes - more magic is coming ... a post very soon today coming out to tell you more :)
There will be clues here I guess... things that I'm seeing that I find interesting. But well, next week I'll move on to plan B because in my stock rotten squashes are still the forte!
hehehehe yes - clues - and definitely just getting to meet all the characters and know their personalities! and yes - squashes aren't being very helpful !!! LOL must get to those character cards!!! heheh
😜 The Universe will provide and I will have them all in the blink of an eye.
Oh, my! This was a long read!
I think I'm getting to understand this better. Haha. I love the storyline.
I'm always a #dreemerforlife
hahahaha yes it was long - i was so impatient to get it all out LOL
but don't worry - no more double features LOL
This is getting more interesting, and I'm really enjoying the storylines!
happy that you're enjoying :)
HUZZAH - I knew there were Spies among us! I have updated the Truth Board for those who are worthy 😉
It's usually the quiet ones that you have to worry about... 😜 #dreemerforlife
LOLOL when my daughter made the card - she was home by herself and it was late at night - and she said she was terrified of Azen ROFLLLLLLL
I opened my phone - took one look at his face - and laughed for a straight hour
not even kidding... i couldn't stop laughing - and i STILL laugh when i see him!!!
and my son-in-love made his character so funny to me.... he's just hilarious to me LOL
Oh no! The write of this story is a genius and the reader has to be a genius and since i am not a genius I am lost, haha
Braam is really a practical peace keeper and such is very necessary in any family to maintain peace. Its a pity the father who is supposed to be a custodian of that peace is the architect of war, hehe, well Bjornbar too went too far. I am interested in seeing how the black guys and the blue boys will cooperate and get to, hehe
Oh, the Carrots? Those characters are gossips, hehe but of course brilliant being that they pick on the qualities of others and benefit from them. But it's like that young man Azen is too hyperactive, hehe.i hope he doesn't cause troubles
hahahahaha wait til you see what he looks like - have you gotten his card yet? LOLOL
oh my gosh, he makes me laugh LOL
and yes ... everyone has such specific personalities!!! Curious to see how they all begin to influence each other! hehehe
as far as the genius behind the story - hehehe there is not one, but three LOL one with the main concept, one who filled in the storyline, one who built the designs! hehehe and it all came together very nicely!!!
ahaha glad you appreciate :)
Yea, i got his card
I hope to get the full gist with time, hehe
First of all, I won't be missing the PYPT and I was also impatient to see more of the clues and here it is.. Haha
The storyline is so amazing even though I'll read this later at a calmer time.
hehehe hope that clue helped in PYPT!!!
you and your teem can try to figure it out! hehehe
Yeah, it helped out. Thank you
excellent story, paper and pencil and have already revealed more details, congratulations to the author of this story, good work friend.
glad that you are enjoying it!!! Hope that you keep following along! :)
What a great read! All the best of luck to those participating ✨
Happy you're enjoying!!! :)
I was seriously anticipating meeting all the characters as I thought, it would be the end of my confusion but right now even my confusion is confuse o 😂.
Let me first start to look for my #dreemerforlife Spirit, it's like it disappeared with the missing plants 🌚
hahahahayou always make me laugh!!! LOL
but now you know them all - have met them - and hopefully have seen a lot of them!!! hehehe now we see how they interact together hehehe
😂🤣😂. My thinking hat is steaming but my team and I are getting somewhere 😃
This carrot family is something else - imagine spying on other plants, hahaha
hahahahaha and using all the knowledge to help their own business LOL
Exactly hehehe
@hivenvy @amiegeoffrey @nwothini335 @kilvnrex @ministeringpen23 @rukkie @jesus-son @dwixer @nanixxx @ngwinndave @bipolar95 @liberius-1 @meyateingi @ibbtammy
10 Dreem tokens are awarded to each of you for taking part in Dreemport Bounty. Keep Dreeming ❤️
Thank you 🙂
Thank you. 😀
Thank you.
Thank you so much.
Thank you so very much!
Thank you
Thank you😊
Wow!! Like there’s more to it? Deeper? Meaning this is just the beginning? Oh Lord, we sure are in for some treat.
Always a #dreemerforlife
This keeps getting interesting.
There are more things to unveil.
Oh wow this is mind-blowing, Amani is really something, I will just save this to my blog and read in between the lines later on
Azen unceremoniously announced himself to be the evil that never rested... I wonder what He is up to? Anyways, we are gradually getting to the crux of the whole thing. Thank you for giving more clues to work with.