I'm about to write a post with a bunch of links that give people the steps! hehe (they are links from the past year or so)
they have screenshots and such!
but let me just quickly answer your question here too! you'll pick it up quickly hehe
7 level 1 cards are able to be merged up to one Level 2
5 level 2 > one level 3
3 level 3 > one level 4
2 level 4 > one level 5
if you get ALL 5 level 5 cards- they can be merged into the Ultimate Quill.
CAN BE... but maybe you dont want to? hehehe
Each level 5 card has a specific feature to be used on dreemport! so maybe you prefer to have all 5 of those features
If you DO choose to level up to Ultimate Quill - then you have your choice of 3 features from the level 5s (any 3 you like) PLUS that card is required to be considered for the trip.
Of course, there are other stipulations that are requirements for the trip too..
- no current suspensions on DreemPort
- no more than 1 suspension ever..
- and must be a level 9 on dreemport (though - we might have some wiggle room to be level 7/8 if there are lots of people in that situation that really really really want to try to come hahaha)
Let me show you a screenshot too

As you can see there - lots of cards -but the GREEN ARROW with the "2" - indicates that this dreemer has enough cards to merge up to level 2.
Soon you will also see a yellow arrow - but that is for minting the cards into NFTs - if you have cards that you want to buy/sell/trade.
I won't confuse you with that hehehehe - but its coming - and will be extra fun! hehehe