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RE: Welcome Home

in Ecency2 months ago

that is really what we are seeking... serious growth and transition and meaningful achievements.

we don't want to be associated with only fluff. (though fluff can be fun!!! but foundation FIRST)

will be good to express all these things to our community and see who gets it... and who is wanting to grow with us.

and whoever isn't... we wish them lots of love and great success on their journey in finding where they belong!!!

3 months my darling! then i get to hug you. the long awaited hug!!! hehehe


Dreemie, Momma.

I'm looking forward to the meeting. The two days Expo events have a long duration and I'm interested in how each minute of it would unfold. Hehe.

December is already knocking.

Mauritius will be an interesting one. Hehe.