If you are just finding out about DreeMerge Season 2 - THE GAME HAS BEEN WON! But... Don't worry! Season 3 is going to be dropping at the beginning of June and will last 4 months and will have an even BIGGER prize!!!! If you want your chance at that - My suggestion is - Come into the DreemPort Discord, and find out how we are having so much fun!!!! oh - and also... you MIGHT want to get VERY familiar with Season 2's storyline. Season 2 posts are all right here in the DREEMERGE2 COLLECTION!
A clue was left last night in our discord. I thought this would get people closer - but I didn't know if it would be enough to unlock the whole mystery! Turns out - I woke up to a winning comment!!! And now - here is the rest of the story if you'd like to find out WHICH of the 5 Hybrid families led to the amazing new winning taste for Amani and saved her Garden! Scroll to the very bottom to see who won! (ohhhh we have some clever dreemers, I tell you! LOLOL)


To Forgive
The Peppers were not the only family with serious sibling conflict. One evening soon after, Myrtille returned to his Blueberry brothers.
“Hey Borůvka!” Myrtille yelled as he approached his brother and swung his fist across his face.
“Whoa, hey!” Boro yelled.
Borův layed on the ground in pain but didn’t get up to fight back.
“Come on, let’s do this again!” Myrtille yelled.
Borův finally stood up, not raising his fists. He looked his brother in the eyes, wanting so badly to punch him back, but he remembered one of Braam’s values in that moment, to love everyone, even your enemies. So in a sudden movement, Borůvka leaned in and grabbed his brother, and hugged him tight.
“What the-” Myrtille confusingly let out. “Get off me!” He pushed Borův back. “Why aren’t you fighting me back?” Myrtille asked, dumbfounded.
“Because I don’t want to fight you anymore, Myrtille. I’m sorry I did before. You’re my brother and even though you frustrate me sometimes, I don’t care anymore. I just want you to be back with us, that is, if you’re willing to stop with the dangerous pranks.”
Myrtille stopped for a moment. “What do you mean my pranks are dangerous?”
“You’ve hurt a lot of people, Myrtille. Damaged property. Threatened to ruin lives. They’re not funny - they’re pretty messed up,” Borův responded.
“Well, they’re just meant to be funny,” Myrtille pouted.
“But you’re not on the receiving end of them! You’re not the one who has to rebuild.”
Myrtille scoffed, but the realization couldn't be mistaken in his eyes. He thought back to the way he hurt and annoyed others - especially one in particular who had only repaid him with gentle kindness. He might’ve taken things a little too far, but the only time he got any attention was when he was starting trouble. It always seemed like he would just take the bad attention, if it was the only kind he could get..
“Well...I’m not gonna apologize,” Myrtille refuted.
“Maybe you should. Hey, I don’t need one. And you know what? Neither do Boro and Bláber. No matter if you don’t think of us as family. You are to us. But, I think there is one person that might really need a sorry from you. Maybe even more than a sorry?”
Myrtille shook his head and bit his lip nervously. “I uh…nah. I can’t.”
“You can,” Borův responded.
Myrtille turned his head quickly, before his brother could see the tears forming in his eyes. “What the heck changed about you? You never cared before. Is this a prank?”
“No, it’s not a prank. I’ve just had some guidance,” Borův answered.
Myrtille stopped and thought for a little bit. “I don’t know…I guess if she really does care?” There was so much hope in Myrtille’s eyes, it almost broke Borův’s heart.
“Hurry,” Borův responded. “Go on.”
“Um…ok,” Myrtille said. “And if I accept her offer, can I come back as part of… our family too?”
“Forever!” Borův’s smile broadened until it crinkled his eyes into little moons.
Myrtille looked to his toe, digging into the dirt. Shy and self-conscious, he finally raised his eyes to his brother. “Alright, I’ll be back.”

“One sec!” All three brothers ran full force, and tackled him onto the ground in a massive brother pile of love and rowdiness. Apologies and laughter and a few sniffles could be heard by anyone within earshot of the blueberry boys. Myrtille untangled himself from the pile, and ran off to find his new… his new mo...he wasn’t sure he could say it.
He ran full force to the Mint Family, turned the corner and stopped dead in his tracks as he saw Mentă staring off into the pink and orange horizon. He never noticed how she radiated peace and calmness and he wanted to run into her arms and soak up all her peace into his own soul.
She sighed softly. The snap of a twig caught her attention and she turned into the direction of the noise. A smile crept across her face.
“Hi Ment… “ he paused and started again. “Hi… Mom.”
Menta opened her arms and welcomed her boy.
To Let Go
Later that evening, after Myrtille had been tucked into his new bed, in his new room at his new home, Mento sat down and shared his heart with Mentă about their other child. After regarding his interaction with Kupina, he hoped he could convey that they shouldn’t be at odds with Zekka.
“But how do we come to terms with all the destruction?” Mentă asked.
“You know, it’s not all bad, dear. If you think about it, there are a lot of pests in this garden that Zekka has been helping Amani with. Who are we to deny her a different calling than us?” Mento asked.
“Ok, but she still hasn’t always been respectful to us,” Mentă responded.
“Maybe it’s just because we’ve been trying to force her to be someone she’s not. I don’t really understand why she has the desire to go out and fight, but at least she’s using that for a greater good,” Mento replied.
“I guess…that does make sense.”

Suddenly Zekka walked into the kitchen and sat down. Mentă looked over at her husband, sighed and nodded.
“Zekka, we need to talk,” Mento started.
Zekka couldn't hide the worried look on her face.
Mento sat down across from her. “I wanted to say I’m sorry.”
Confusion replaced her worry.
“I know we’ve always told you the life we want you to live- that life of peace. But I had to see that part of our peace is because we have people like you, and the warriors who KEEP that peace for us. If you have a true calling, you are old enough to be making your own decisions. We do worry for you, your mother and I, but we want to support you. We want to keep you close - not shut you out. How can we help if we’re not there? Whatever you decide for your life, we want you to know that we love you, honey.”
Zekka’s eyebrows raised and for the first time in front of her parents, she began to smile. She stood up, walked over to her dad and mom, and melted into their arms.
“Thank you,” Zekka told them both, love and acceptance shining from her eyes. “I need to go share this, but I’ll be back,” she laughed, “...before sundown this time.” She ran through the door, excited.
“So we gained a son, and regained a daughter,” Mentă said as she walked over to Mento.
“Blessings abound,” he hugged her tightly.
“And you are the best one of all,” she snuggled onto his lap and shared a minty kiss.
United we stand
The Blackberry Warriors had grown stronger and tighter than ever. They had enjoyed every aspect of the Garden and felt like their family was no longer dark and brooding - but offering all aspects of interconnected harmony - much like the twisting, turning, reaching, winding way their vines grew and locked together, bonded. The door opened harshly, bringing all the attention to the sinister figure stomping into the house.
“I’m leaving. You three have been nothing short of a life’s failure for me.” Kupina opened drawers, slammed doors, grabbed weapons, and marched back towards the front door.
The boys were shocked into silence. Was he simply leaving? Before they could shake their stupor, the answer came.
“I’ll not waste another moment on any of you. The only one that had promise was Brómber! And now look at you!” His snarl was so vicious, they all braced for an attack. “You were such an amazing hunter and now you’ve become like your brothers! I will not support any of you as long as you continue down this route! I might have lost even yet another protege, but there is one that has the fire of rage in her belly - and my life may yet have meaning!”
Brómber’s forehead wrinkled as he considered what his father was saying but he looked over at his brothers. Their looks confirmed what he thought also - their father was lost to the hatred in his soul. He was hell-bent on bringing torment to anyone who would tolerate his torture, but they were through.
“I stand firm with my brothers. Choose to leave, if you will. This Garden will not suffer from your hatred any longer.” Brómber told him.
“Good riddance!” Kupina barked. “But if you have learned anything from me - anything at all” he called out over his shoulder. “Better never let your guard down.”
All three shared the same look. Though he wanted them to grow strong in violence, they had grown strong in richer, more meaningful ways than he could ever hope to understand as long as darkness filled his heart. Though it was bittersweet, they were finally all united. United in standing up to their father. They nodded to one another, recognizing that this was goodbye
Opening the door, he slinked through, staring back at his “former students”. “I wish I had done this sooner,” Kupina scoffed, whispering with murderous malice as he pulled a dagger from his pocket and aimed for Björnbär, the one he blamed for it all.
Before he could flick his wrist, a body slammed into him from the left, knocking the dagger from his grasp. Quick as lightning, he rolled into a forward assault, toward the bushes. Pulling a second weapon from his back, he prepared for a battle. As his gaze fell upon his unworthy assailant, he licked his teeth and smiled, hungry for blood. “Psssh. You,” he huffed dismissively.
“Yes, me.” The assailant might not be a match for Kupina in all his warrior strength and knowledge, but surrender was no option.
Kupina heard the sound of the brothers racing to the door, and smirked. They wouldn’t be fast enough to stop his dagger, and he would make light work of this ridiculous enemy before him.

“And me.” A second voice came from the right. Ice poured through his veins as he recognized the sound of a deadly sword being unsheathed. He knew it was trained directly on him. The blood drained from his face. The sound of the blackberries reaching the door and wrenching open was the split second distraction he needed to dive forward, flip twice, and sprint off, unscathed.
As Amani had hoped, all of the Fruit and Vegetables were now connected. Vines wrapped from the Blueberries to the Mint, the Mint to both the Pepper and Blackberries to her surprise and the Blackberries to the Carrots. All kinds of flavors and new shapes had been hybridizing and even some of the strange new plants had come back to join in! She smiled at the new plants starting to grow between them all - extending upwards …these were her new kinds of fruits and vegetables.
Amani grew so excited, and she couldn’t wait to taste them with Layla! Her eagerness was so uncontrollable that she gardened all day. And to everyone’s surprise, she continued into the night.
“Uh…she’s not going inside,” Björnbär noticed.
Suddenly, that blue, wispy fog rolled into the garden as it always had, twinkling with glowing lights.
“Whoa…what the-” Amani jumped to her feet. Specks of firefly lights fluttered onto her and the plants. She looked up in amazement as the darkness suddenly dissipated into a new day. “Whoooaaaaaa, this is…am I dreeming?”
The fruits and vegetables all jumped down in a panic.
“What do we do??” Cenoria asked.
“Hide?” Mento suggested.
“Guys,” a bewildered Bláber tried to grab their attention.
“Run?” Pimenta offered.
“Guys!” Bláber raised his voice.
“Pranks!?” Myrtille giggled.
“GUYS!” Bláber yelled.
“What?!” Everyone yelled back.
Bláber pointed past them, prompting them to turn around. Amani’s gaze was fixed on them as she knelt close by.
“Oh wow, I really am dreeming,” she said.
“Well uh…I’m afraid not,” Mento responded.
“Um. YOU’RE TALKING. Oh goodness. I AM crazy.” She stopped. Then she laughed. “But this is so much more interesting, honestly.”
Everyone didn’t know what to do or say as she observed them.
Borůvka coughed and then asked, “You’re not gonna eat us, are you?”
“What?” She blinked. She supposed she HAD eaten her fill of veggies and fruits before. But well, they never had faces. “No. I think I cannot eat you.” She nodded, and then nodded again. “Right. I am definitely not going to eat you.” She was talking to her garden?!?!?!
“So are you?” She was actually CONVERSING with… her garden.
“I’m just so very…” She pointed at them all, accusingly. “Wait, are you guys the ones who wrote in my journal?!” She demanded.
They all nodded.
“So, this isn’t a dream,” she whispered.
“But it just might be your DREEM” Mento smiled.
“How is this happening though?” Amani asked.
Everyone shrugged.
She sat in the dirt and looked into the sky. “I mean, I guess I always believed in the impossible, but when you’re actually looking at the impossible made possible - it seems unbelievable!”
The plants had always wanted be seen by her, and now that they were - it felt as if it had always been. They felt like all was simply the way it was supposed to be.
Amani looked at them all, staring at her, staring at them. She started to laugh, and as if contagious - her laughter infected them all.
“So have you guys seen all that in the Garden?” As soon as she asked, she realized they were probably responsible for it all. “I mean, of course you have. Did you all do that???”
All at once they started to explain the last few weeks - how the garden had changed because of her dreems. How they never knew what they were capable of achieving until she dared to share her dreems with them.
Amani laid back in the grass, and hugged herself, rolling back and forth with delight. “It was just an idea I had but who could ever predict THIS!”
Amani listened to their stories - each of the groups talking about how love and connection created opportunity for change - real change!
“You guys do know why we all needed this to happen, right? Our precious Garden and Farm?” Amani checked. They nodded, confirming.
“Do you think we have a chance at saving the farm?” she whispered, hoping with all her might.
Every group looked to each other. They had started out as individual plants, sharing space on communal land. Now they were an actual True Garden, connected by community and love, sacrifice and learning, hearts intertwined. When families had come together, they had joined in the most wonderful ways - but then something else that no one had expected happened. Even the “bad” apples of the bunch had something special to offer - a little something EXTRA that made the fruits POP in a way that was unexpected.
Amani yawned, stretching and feeling exhausted but excited. “So you think we’re gonna have what it takes to all stay together?”
One plant in particular smiled a secret smile. Reaching into their bag, they pulled out a special new and tasty morsel that had been made from three distinct tastes.
“Together, forever.” they replied.
Amani went to put it into The BlackberryPepperMint into her mouth and then stopped. “Wait… can I … eat this?”
They all laughed. “Yes, see?” They pointed. “No face! hahaha”
Amani turned the little morsel all around to be sure, and then popped it into her mouth. The taste was unlike ANYTHING she had ever had! It was delicious in every way - unexpected - delightful - and tasted like MORE!!!
She scooped up the nearest fruits and veggies closest to her in a giant hug. “WE DID IT!!! TOGETHER FOREVER!!”
In the end, the fruits and vegetables produced an influx of their new combinations and Amani quickly shared them with the world. There were Peppery Carrots, Blackberry Blues, Blueberry Mints, and Carrot Berries that all sold at alarming rates, bringing Amani more money than she knew what to do with. But the very FIRST of the hybrids - the one that saved the farm - came from the Blackberries, the Peppers, and the Mint, thanks to the love, understanding, friendship and death-defying sacrifice between them.
No matter what anyone in the industry did to try and copy Amani’s products, no one could ever get it right. Little did they know, all it took were dreems.
As for everyone in the garden, their lives continued to prosper alongside Amani’s. Night after night, she came out to have conversations and laugh with them.
Life was good.

Posts of Season 2
If you are just finding out about DreeMerge Season 2 - THE GAME HAS BEEN WON! But... Don't worry! Season 3 is going to be dropping at the beginning of June and will last approximately 4 months and will have an even BIGGER prize!!!! If you want your chance at that - My suggestion is - Come into the DreemPort Discord, and find out how we are having so much fun!!!! oh - and also... you MIGHT want to get VERY familiar with Season 2's storyline. Season 2 posts are all right here in the ...

Thanks to @shadowspub, @penderis, @bluefinstudios, @kemmyb, @wesphilbin, @melinda010100, @samsmith1971, @silversaver888, @lizelle, @kenechukwu97, @jacoalberts, @acgalarza, @blackdaisyft, @balikis95, @alessandrawhite, and @dreemsteem for making the @dreemport voting power go farther! ❤️


Images created for DreeMerge2 with Midjourney
I’m just going to say congratulations for now and come back later yo read the whole story 🥰.
Congratulations @amiegeoffery @rukkie @wongi @ibbtammy @bipolar95 you guys were awesome and you deserve this 🥰.
Thank you so much Dreemie for this wonderful opportunity to learn so much from this game 🥹.
I’m so looking forward to forward to the next season 😍💃🥰
Thank you so much sis.
You’re welcome 🥰
Thank you so much❤
You’re welcome dear 🥰
Thank you dear 😘
You’re welcome 🤗
Congratulations @amiegeoffery @rukkie @wongi @ibbtammy @bipolar95
Thank you dear
Thank you so much.
Awww myrtille 🥹🥹🥹
My boy came back to his senses
Congratulations guys, you deserve this!
I’m so happy for you
WooHoo! We can all finally step back and enjoy the complete story 🙌 it was an excellent season for me, and I am sure I am not alone! Congratulations to the winning team 🎉 and good luck to ALL #dreemers in Season 3 💗
Oh poor Myrtille 😪.
Well, congratulations to us @rukkie @wongi @ibbtammy @bipolar95 it was indeed a pleasure to have you intelligent ladies in a space.
We rock, now let's parrrrieeee💃💃💃
let is paint the town red my darlings 🤝
Thank you @dreemsteem @gvvvvvvvvvv @quirky.countess for the wonderful season, the storyline was top notch and I enjoyed it so much.❤❤❤
Love love LOVE LoVe lOvE lOVe LovE luv it!!!!
Thank you writers for this fun, wonderful, and imaginative tale !!!
Congratulations to the winners.
Congratulations to everyone.
Keep dreeming
Keep winning
Have fun , always 😊Wow, these gals , at last... 🤗 Congratulations @amiegeoffery @rukkie @wongi @ibbtammy @bipolar95 . The positive energy from you both has been amazing... what a deserving gift
Thank you so much Queen😘😘😘😘
Congratulations to the winners
Coming back for the story
Thank you so much Dreemie🥰🥰🥰
A proud #dreemerforlife🥰
Oh My! I so much love the happy ending especially the part where she could talk to the plants. Hahaha she really isn't crazy afterall.... Or maybe she is 😂😂😂😂
Doing things together in unity brings about a bond that can never be broken.
For those that are still yet to come back. I really wish to see them in season 3. Maybe they could finally let go of their anger and join in making Amani's dreems go beyond.
I enjoyed participating in this season 2 gameplay.
A special thanks goes to everyone who made this possible. Y'all are the real MVPS 😘😘😘😘😘
Always a #dreemerforlife