Day 2 - Advent Calendar 2020, Win prize everyday! 🎄🎁

in Ecency4 years ago

Christmas Advent Calendar is annual contest to spread holiday mood and encourage engagement with fellow friends. You can participate daily and win rewards until Christmas!

It is Day 2 everyone!

Day 1 participation is now CLOSED! Winners will be selected soon and prize will be sent out right after payout! Go ahead and vote your favorite comments on yesterday's challenge to give them more chance of winning.

Moving on to today's challenge...


Challenge #2

What's your best Christmas or New year memories?

Leave your answers in the comments section below and 3 best comments will get 100% of this post reward (50%, 30%, 20% respectively) and extra 500, 300, 200 Ecency Points.

Advent calendar will be published everyday, previous day challenge will be closed when next day's challenge post is published, HIVE rewards will be powered up to winners

Thank you for participating!

Happy Holidays!

PS. Don't forget to support comments below, do good deed and share with others during these wonderful season of holidays…


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My best new year moment is my marriage. I got married 1 January 2006. So, first day on January is my best moment. A best moment of new year. This new year of 2021, is 15 years My wedding anniversary

A memorable way to celebrate the New Year! ♥️

Thanks 😁

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When I was still living at home, my brothers decided to buy a signed Pete Rose bat for my dad. Pete Rose was my dad’s favorite baseball player when he was growing up. My brothers and I saved our money and tried to do everything secretly to surprise our dad. Unfortunately, we forgot he had access to one of the emails and he read our correspondence with the seller. Thankfully, he never told us until we gave him the bat on Christmas Day. It is a good memory with lots of smiles all around.

What a fun gift and joy filled Chirstmas memory for your family!

Truly! We still talk about that gift as a family. :)

It is of no doubt, that Christmas is a season that warms our hearts for the year long. And although I've not had more of sweet Christmas memories, I can remember attending a Christmas Eve candlelight service back in high school.

It is my best christmas memory because we set up treats for Santa... Hehehe, how lovely. And we also shared presents amongst ourselves, since we were taught that the season was aimed at spreading love.

We had carol singing with all the graduating students and told some fancy stories before bedtime. Such a memory remains evergreen. I really hope that I get to enjoy another Christmas like it.

treats for Santa!... amazing. so sweet, so touchy. damn, I dont have this thing in my life, and neither my 11 y.o. girl. so sad... times are changing :/ i have no idea how we can bring this thing back.

Such sad. I really hope you get a lovely christmas like it soon, especially for your little girl. Maybe I should wish that for you this christmas.

no, you should not. my little girl is not that little any more - 11 1/2 y.o., and getting... weirder and weirder day by day. teen-y time, heh. I cant tell really what could save my family Christmas for now, haha. thanks for your good wishes, thought!

Lovely Christmas memories!

Aigh! Really lovely. Thank you Melinda

I have a lifetime filled with marvelous Christmas memories of decorating trees and baking Christmas goodies. Hearing my now 90 year old uncle read the Christmas story every year on Christmas Eve brings back so many memories of being together with my family.
Instead of buying gifts for our grandparents all of the cousins took part in our own little Christmas talent show. Some of us sang, some played an instrument, some read a poem or story. We had such fun planning out our Christmas eve performances and the tradition continued with my children. The older members of the family always have loved that tradition.

thank you again for initiative and engagement. this was a time well-spent, both on writing and reading :P
!ENGAGE 30 to you, and I hope my fridge is nt empty yet... idk really. I am engaging like mad today, all of the evening :P

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My best Christmas and new year memories are;
For Xmas: it was when I got admitted into the university (2014) and I was given a scholarship which lasted until I finished.
New year: it was 2018's new year. That's when I first sold huge quantity of steem from just posting copied and pasted article on steemit. That money really added value to me as I was greatly challenged while in school.

My best Christmas or new years memory was a time I and my family traveled to the village, it was a festive season so its normal to see masquerade once in a while but women are not supposed to come close to them. On that particular period I and my siblings where chased by masquerade and if peradventure you are caught you will be flogged, we ran like we had never ran before. It was really a funny experience and each time I recall it, I laugh over it

Culture is life.
Just voted yours to increase your chances of winning. Winks 😋

Thanks dear, is winning by the number of upvote

Not really but it increases your chances.
Vote mine too

For a long time in my country we have not had beautiful Christmas memories, the situation of the country has not allowed it, but if I resort as a child that feeling of joy when December arrives is indescribable, the cold, the feeling of happiness, the sharing, the carts on the avenue, child happiness is definitely the best.

One of my happiest moments was Christmas 1995. I was 10 years old and my father had bought a new PC a few months ago.
My biggest wish at that time was Warcraft 2 which was released early December this year but was almost impossible to get.

Somehow my parents managed to get a copy and I was happy as f*** I also get a power ranger action figure ai think. Awesome as well.

However I was not allowed to install and play it that evening, after all, it was Christmas eve. So I spent the rest of the night reading the game guide together with my power ranger (it was the red one btw) looking forward to play it the next day.

Looking back, I think this was the month I bacame a gamer :D

amazing. precious. as a gamer myself, I vote for you, if i had 10 votes, I'd gave all of them for your entry :P

back in.... 1998? I think it was 1998, but also maybe 1999 - things are blurry at such a distance - I installed a Fallout-2 RPG on my PC (obtained not too long ago before that). I used to play video games at my friends house, they had Pentium 486DX2, it took a few minutes for this game to load the saves after your death (which event was quite common).
So, I saved money for 2 years and obtained my own PC, and Fallout-2 was, maybe the 1st thing I installed onto HD :)))
A few months from May to June, when I completed my Fallout2 walkthrough, I definitely to consider my best remembered and most happy life time period - living it in the Postapocalyptic US Wasteland. funny thing, but true. After that, my life became only worse.

a !BEER for you.

You need to stake more BEER (24 staked BEER allows you to call BEER one time per day)

My best New Years memory is last year. I was able to fly my girlfriend from her home country of Vietnam to spend the New Year here in the US with me. I'm excited for this Christmas and New Years as well! I was able to fly her back out here this summer. And she is currently stuck with me due to virus restrictions :P. So, it will be another awesome one!

haha, good for you, as they say!

watching fireworks atop the rooftop building! I love welcoming the New Year! I've collected fireworks videos too 🎉🎉🎉

Posted using Dapplr

very lovely way to meet NY! chees. a great gif, by the way.

Getting my first gaming console for Christmas

Mi mejor momento disfrutar de la unidad familiar, en salud y felicidad para despedir el viejo año y dar la bienvenida al nuevo llenos de esperanza y mucha fe.


My memory of my best Christmas is to get the whole family together at my grandmother's house, it was so nice, we got together to make the Hallacas (a typical dish) and I helped my grandmother make the manger ... good times.

my favorite is the Christmas of the 2018 century and the New Year of 2019 is my favorite then it will be the most wonderful year ever.

I finished my tenth grade in the 2018 academic year and celebrated the New Year 2019 with my friends.

My best new year moment is 2018 altseason. I wish i would enjoy it again in 2021.

wow, I noticed it not too late, I hope?... my CHristmas mood really need some boost, haha! will try to sit and think about what I can come up with!

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