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RE: Either the whole internet is wrong about this one question or I am too stupid to understand wy I am wrong

in Ecencylast year


This is easily solved using the scientific method which you've already done.

Each configuration must be proved wrong.
There are only three options.

Box 1: Message 1 = ✅; Message 2 = ❌; Message 3 = ✅;
Box 2: Message 1 = ❌; Message 2 = ✅; Message 3 = ✅;
Box 3: Message 1 = ✅; Message 2 = ❌; Message 3 = ❌;

Only one configuration fits the description.
Which is box 3.

If all configurations where incorrect then we assume trick question.
But because we already have a provable answer there's no reason to assume it's wrong.
Even if a bunch of other people got it wrong or are gaslighting on purpose.

I mean seriously though people are dumb and most can't even do PEMDAS basic arithmetic these days.


Like, really though?


Yeah, you summed it up really clear for anyone that eventually googles this in the future. Pretty clear, hope this helps someone that happens to see it and try to search for not only for the answer but more importantly for an explanation!