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RE: Day 9 - Advent Calendar 2021, Win prize everyday! πŸŽ„πŸŽ

in Ecency β€’ 3 years ago

Best Christmas ideas for 2021:

  1. A physical christmas card πŸŽ„πŸ’ŒπŸ“¬ with greetings: it's so long we hadn't received a physical letter, and this would be surprising beautiful!

  2. Some of our time ⏲️ to our loved ones: there's nothing more precious than time, we could give some of it to help, listen, or just give attention to someone who needs it!

  3. A mountain πŸ”οΈ of gifts πŸŽπŸ’ to the children: not expensive things, just wrap up candies, cards, little things and make presents for them to open. They'll love it!

  4. A warm hug πŸ€—: since COVID-19's appearance on the planet, we've been so distanced and lonely. It's time to get all vaccined, eliminate the virus and get together!

To all of you, my very best wishes for the best Christmas ever! πŸŽ„β­πŸŽ„