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RE: When Love Turns Toxic

in Ecencylast year

Sounds like you went through quite a trial. It's always interesting how we can look back at something and subsequently figure out its faults - like the saying goes, "hindsight is 20/20." Hopefully you'll be able to channel these negative experiences in a positive way so that your next relationship would be with someone who doesn't manipulate you.


I'm more focused on myself and the people who have stuck by me and I by them over the years. I have a bit of trust issues now, but I see better behind the mask of people and when someone asks something of me, I look for directness and honesty before I help. She and the others, still try to play mind games with me, but I don't give in. The whole story is much more than this post, there was romance, tears, drugs, beatings, thugs and the ending where I made a connection with the brain and not the heart. In the end it destroyed the chances of me going back there to such an extent, that the only place I can go is back to her - no thank you.