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RE: Ecency Points Giveaway #39 (win 150 points)

in Ecencylast year

Awe. So it is true. No matter how much you want to avoid responsibility.

Holozing... And your attack on blockchain play to earn Hive gaming companies?

How about driving off thousands of users here on hive with your toxic little group and buddies?

How about your terroristic threats to downvote me forever? Or your threats to mute me...

It's pretty funny how you keep saying that you're not responsible however every time we turn around you are a part of bullying threatening and demanding others change the entire blockchain for your whims...

And personally I don't think that you could ever come to an event in public. Personally I think actions have caused enough strife that your personal safety would be at risk.

I sure know that you are a horrible person and that you continue to destroy the blockchain.

Fuck off you little whiny bitch.