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RE: Ecency Points Giveaway #39 (win 150 points)

in Ecencylast year

Ohhhh sure...

You justify your actions and behavior this way? Awesome!

I'll be all sorts of having even more fun talking about this now.

You sure you got enough power to downvote all my accounts?

Or that you didn't just provide me with enough info to share with my friends?

Or the fact you still can't show any pokemon letters that they give you permission to use trademarked property?

Yeah... You are the one that needs to be blacklisted...

Can't show any proof that you aren't stealing Pokemon property... And bragging about it!

You are the biggest scam and bully here. And just exposed yourself.

Oh you took a couple dollars... Ohhhhh I'm crying! I'm leaving...

Oh yeah I'm just going to have fun with this. Just wait...