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RE: Ecency Points Giveaway #39 (win 150 points)

in Ecencylast year

Oh yeah that's right let's bring up the your group got really mad and threatened to downvote me forever...

Because your group thought my dog wrote his blog! Hahahahhahahah!

Oh yeah! Please let's talk about that!

Fucking bitch proves himself and his buddies to be bullies!

So where is your letter from Pokemon saying that you're allowed to use their trademarked and registered intellectual property for Holozing?

Lol you are legendary... A legendary bitch.

Fuck you acidyo.

Oh yeah I thought you muted me months ago? Oh yeah that's right you are just a liar that can't even follow up! Hahahahhahahahah

The bitch of the block chain...

So yeah are you going to go to war over me because my dog doesn't have opposable thumbs and doesn't know how to type? Hahahaha